Corona news ticker: data on infections in nursing homes expected | – News

Corona news ticker: data on infections in nursing homes expected | – News

Status: 02/16/2023 09:04 a.m In the Corona News Ticker, is also providing you with up-to-date information today – on Thursday, February 16, 2023 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see yesterday’s events in the Ticker from Wednesday read. The essentials in brief: … Read more

Haifa Wehbe’s daughter, a new block, and the audience accuses her of imitating Myriam Fares. Watch how she looked (photos)

Haifa Wehbe’s daughter, a new block, and the audience accuses her of imitating Myriam Fares. Watch how she looked (photos)

Zainab Fayyad, daughter of Haifa Wehbe, published new photos through her Instagram account. Zainab appeared in a black “jumpsuit”, with curly hair, and looked like an exact copy of her mother. Comments poured in from followers who praised Jamal Zainab, stressing that she had become a lot like her mother, as some likened her to … Read more

Fats in the blood provide protection against allergies

Fats in the blood provide protection against allergies

These fats dampen the activity of genes that play a key role in allergies People with relatively high levels of fats in their blood are less likely to develop allergic conditions, such as eczema and asthma. These fats ensure that genes that play a key role in allergic reactions are less active. Researchers from the … Read more

Lions advent calendar: €30,000 in proceeds for social affairs and education – landshuter-rundschau

Lions advent calendar: €30,000 in proceeds for social affairs and education – landshuter-rundschau

Lions President Roland Kramschuster (middle), Florian Schneider (fourth from left) from Lions-Hilfswerk Landshut and the calendar organizers Dr. Alexander Beck (sixth from left) and Andreas Oberprieler (right), together with main sponsor Werner Braun (second from right) from Zweirad Pritscher and the recipients of the donations, are happy about the outstanding sum that the Lions Advent … Read more

Research into an alternative way to store kidneys

Research into an alternative way to store kidneys

Organ transplantation is a race against time There are never enough donor organs. The organs that are available must be transplanted as quickly as possible. Medicine is therefore fully committed to keeping organs healthy for longer. Marlon de Haan is researching at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) how you can keep kidneys alive outside … Read more

Jock | What is WordPress and what are its advantages in content management

Jock |  What is WordPress and what are its advantages in content management

The term WordPress is widely spread among content makers of all kinds, and it is preferred by the majority of them, and now before listing the points of WordPress superiority over others, it is necessary to define WordPress. You may also be interested 5 signs that your phone data has been stolen Definition of wordpress … Read more

Predictors for chronic bowel disease presented

Predictors for chronic bowel disease presented

UMCG PhD student Arno Bourgonje identified new predictors of chronic intestinal diseases UMCG PhD student Arno Bourgonje (26) wrote perhaps the most extensive medical dissertation ever published in the Netherlands. A dissertation of more than 1100 pages and 31 chapters. Under the supervision of four supervisors from the UMCG departments of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases … Read more

Nico, not very cute as a kitten

Nico, not very cute as a kitten

Nico le Mimi is angry. And like any furious kitten, he sticks out his claws. Nico le Mimi does not digest… not cat food but the fact that his name has been associated with Franklin, Jean Hubert Célerine. Thus, Nico, like a pissed off mimi, threatens to file a complaint against the Mauritian press. He … Read more

Corona news ticker: Every fifth elementary school child cannot swim – News

Corona news ticker: Every fifth elementary school child cannot swim – News

Status: 01/24/2023 07:03 a.m In the Corona News Ticker, is also providing you with up-to-date information today – on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. Yesterday’s news you can Read Monday’s blog. The essentials in brief: Proportion of non-swimmers among … Read more

Corona news ticker: Doctors advocate the end of the mask requirement in practices – News

Corona news ticker: Doctors advocate the end of the mask requirement in practices – News

Status: 01/23/2023 06:35 a.m In the Corona News Ticker, is also providing you with up-to-date information today – on Monday, January 23, 2023 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. The essentials in brief: Doctors advocate the end of the mask requirement in practices Seven-day … Read more