Scientists Discover Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves Stretching Universe

Scientists Discover Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves Stretching Universe

JAKARTA – International scientists have for the first time discovered evidence of a long-theorized gravitational waveform that creates a rumbling “background hum” throughout the universe, observing faint ripples caused by the motion of black holes gently stretching and compressing everything in the universe. Last Wednesday, they reported hearing what are called low-frequency gravitational waves, changes … Read more

NASA’s IXPE Spacecraft Discovers Monster Black Hole and Massive Explosion in Milky Way 200 Years Ago

NASA’s IXPE Spacecraft Discovers Monster Black Hole and Massive Explosion in Milky Way 200 Years Ago

NASA’s IXPE spacecraft has made a groundbreaking discovery, detecting the presence of a monster black hole in the Milky Way that emitted a massive explosion 200 years ago. The existence of this black hole, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), was detected by the echoes of the explosion reflected by a gas cloud. According to … Read more

Is Earth Actually Inside a Black Hole? Exploring the Possibility and Theories

Is Earth Actually Inside a Black Hole? Exploring the Possibility and Theories

Is Earth Actually Inside a Black Hole? Jakarta – To Earthlings gazing into space, our solar system appears to be surrounded by billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. But could it be possible that planet Earth is actually inside a black hole? According to a report from Live Science, black holes are places … Read more

New Study Confirms Stephen Hawking’s Theory on Black Hole Evaporation

New Study Confirms Stephen Hawking’s Theory on Black Hole Evaporation

Illustration of black holes. Photo: Special JAKARTA – Stephen Hawking’s famous theory which states that the entire universe is destined to evaporate into a black hole, is now starting to be proven true. According to the journal Physical Review Letters, quoted from LiveScience, in 1974, Hawking proposed that black holes eventually evaporate by losing what … Read more

How Kilonova Explosions Create and Disseminate Precious Metals in Space

How Kilonova Explosions Create and Disseminate Precious Metals in Space

kilonova event (NASA) SPACE — There are many precious metals in the world. Call it gold, silver, and platinum. These metals are buried in the ground. To get a large amount must be done by mining. However, how did these metals form and get into the ground? According to one commonly held astronomical theory, these … Read more

How Kilonovas Create Precious Metals like Gold, platinum, and uranium

How Kilonovas Create Precious Metals like Gold, platinum, and uranium

kilonova event (NASA) SPACE — There are many precious metals in the world. Call it gold, silver, and platinum. These metals are buried in the ground. To get a large amount must be done by mining. However, how did these metals form and get into the ground? According to one commonly held astronomical theory, these … Read more

New Theory Claims Everything in the Universe Will Evaporate: Details on Hawking Radiation

New Theory Claims Everything in the Universe Will Evaporate: Details on Hawking Radiation

Thursday, 8 June 2023 – 06:08 WIB LIVE Techno – Physicist Stephen Hawking’s theory of black holes, aka black holes, has quite a scary length because the entire universe will evaporate when it’s time. In 1974, black holes are said to evaporate due to loss of what is called Hawking Radiation. The term, issued by … Read more

Astronomers Discover Hundreds of Filament-Like Structures in Center of Galaxy

Astronomers Discover Hundreds of Filament-Like Structures in Center of Galaxy

agencies Tuesday, 06 June 2023 02:00 PM Astronomers have discovered hundreds of strange filament-like structures in the center of our galaxy, which may trace the violent path of an ancient black hole, RT reports. According to a new study published in June in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, each of these previously unknown “filaments” is between … Read more

Stephen Hawking’s Theory on Universal Evaporation: Implications for the Fate of the Universe

Stephen Hawking’s Theory on Universal Evaporation: Implications for the Fate of the Universe

CNN Indonesia Monday, 05 Jun 2023 17:54 WIB Illustration. Hawking’s theory has far-reaching implications for the way the universe deals with its destruction. (ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Martel) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — physicist theory Stephen Hawking about the alias black hole black hole has a ‘scary’ length effect; the whole universe will evaporate in … Read more

Newly Discovered Black Hole Filament Confuses Scientists with Horizontal Orientation

Newly Discovered Black Hole Filament Confuses Scientists with Horizontal Orientation

black hole (wikipedia) SPACE — Several decades ago, astronomers were surprised to find vertical filaments of light emanating from the central black hole of the Milky Way galaxy, our galaxy. Now, the astronomer responsible for the discovery is seeing even more of the filament. This finding does not clarify past findings, on the contrary, it … Read more