Breaking News: Astronomers Discover Brightest Quasar, Unnoticed for Over 4 Decades!

Breaking News: Astronomers Discover Brightest Quasar, Unnoticed for Over 4 Decades!

Astronomers discovered the brightest powered quasar supermassive black hole that went unnoticed for over 4 decades! Not just that. This quasar is also the brightest astronomical object ever observed, with a brightness reaching 500 trillion as bright as the Sun! Inevitably, this is the quasar that broke the record for brightness in the Universe today. … Read more

New Study Reveals Early Universe Galaxies and Black Holes Coexisted and Influenced Each Other, Overturning Traditional Theory

New Study Reveals Early Universe Galaxies and Black Holes Coexisted and Influenced Each Other, Overturning Traditional Theory

[The Epoch Times, February 8, 2024](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Chen Juncun) The traditional theory holds that stars and galaxies existed first in the universe, and then black holes appeared. But a just-published study shows that in the early days of the universe, galaxies and black holes not only coexisted but also influenced each other, … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Oldest and Most Distant Black Hole in Universe

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Oldest and Most Distant Black Hole in Universe

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) managed to find black hole or the oldest and most distant black hole with a mass of 1.6 million Suns located 13 billion light years away from Earth. JWST, whose cameras make it possible to look back in time to the beginning of the universe’s formation, … Read more

Astronomers Discover Oldest and Enormous Black Hole with Webb Space Telescope

Astronomers Discover Oldest and Enormous Black Hole with Webb Space Telescope

Astronomers managed to discover a very old black hole with the help of the Webb Space Telescope. But they do not know how to explain its gigantic dimensions, which contradict the existing knowledge about the universe. An international team of European, Canadian and American scientists has found a black hole more than 13 billion years … Read more

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Oldest Supermassive Black Hole in Universe Consuming Matter at Unprecedented Rate

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Oldest Supermassive Black Hole in Universe Consuming Matter at Unprecedented Rate

Makassar – Supermassive black holes discovered by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This black hole is said to be the oldest hole in the universe. Launch detikINET, the age of the black hole has reached 13 billion years. In other words, it was formed 400 million years after the theory of the initial explosion … Read more

NASA Discovers Oldest Black Hole with James Webb Space Telescope – 13 Billion Years Old

NASA Discovers Oldest Black Hole with James Webb Space Telescope – 13 Billion Years Old

Jakarta – The oldest black hole discovered by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The age of this supermassive black hole is estimated to be 13 billion years. This means that this black hole was formed 400 million years after the ‘Big Bang’, the theory of the initial explosion of the universe. This discovery could … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Most Distant and Oldest Black Hole Ever Seen by Humans

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Most Distant and Oldest Black Hole Ever Seen by Humans

The James Webb Space Telescope or JWST has just discovered the most distant and oldest black hole ever seen by humans. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — James Webb Space Telescope or JWST just discovered black hole the most distant and oldest ever seen by humans. This finding could be an important step for humans to understand the … Read more

Scientists Discover Oldest and Most Massive Black Hole, Formed Shortly After Big Bang

Scientists Discover Oldest and Most Massive Black Hole, Formed Shortly After Big Bang

It weighs as much as 1.6 million Suns and was formed only “shortly” after the Big Bang. In the depths of space slumbers a giant black hole, the oldest ever recorded by human instruments. Experts operating the Webb telescope have made a unique discovery. They found a giant black hole in the galaxy GN-z11, which … Read more

Discovery of Gamma Rays Emitting from Milky Way’s Black Hole

Discovery of Gamma Rays Emitting from Milky Way’s Black Hole

CNN Indonesia Monday, 11 Dec 2023 08:51 IWST Illustration. Experts discover strange ‘blobs’ near black holes. (Screenshot of website) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Gas ‘lump’ nearby black hole supermassive at the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy detected as the perpetrator of the shooting gamma rays high energy regularly towards the Earth. In study … Read more