Astronomers Reveal Gargantua’s Black Hole Has a Mass of 1 Billion Suns

Astronomers Reveal Gargantua’s Black Hole Has a Mass of 1 Billion Suns

CNN Indonesia Friday, 10 Mar 2023 12:54 WIB Illustration. Black holes measuring 1 billion times the mass of the Sun have been discovered by experts. (iStockphoto/Cappan) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — A black hole a giant 1 billion times the mass Sun found at the center of the galaxy COS-87259. The findings allegedly could overturn the … Read more

Scientists have discovered an oasis of calm near a black hole. The conditions there enable the formation of stars — ČT24 — Czech Television

Scientists have discovered an oasis of calm near a black hole.  The conditions there enable the formation of stars — ČT24 — Czech Television

Scientists have studied the X3a star using all the instruments at their disposal. The analysis of its spectrum shows that it is the heaviest and at the same time the youngest star that has so far been discovered right in the heart of the Milky Way. At the same time, it turned out that it … Read more

Black holes are the source of dark energy Scientists: Consistent with Einstein’s predictions | black holes | dark energy | scientists | Einstein | predictions | universe

Black holes are the source of dark energy Scientists: Consistent with Einstein’s predictions | black holes | dark energy | scientists | Einstein | predictions | universe

[Voice of Hope February 25, 2023](Editor: Guo Xiao) The laws of physics state that gravity causes the universe to contract, but scientists have discovered that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. They call the mysterious force causing the expansion of the universe “dark energy”. Nearly 70% of the energy in the universe is … Read more

Is the galaxy a child of the wind? The wind of a supermassive black hole grows a galaxy What determines the bias of the location in the growth of the galaxy and the ease of birth of stars (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

Is the galaxy a child of the wind? The wind of a supermassive black hole grows a galaxy What determines the bias of the location in the growth of the galaxy and the ease of birth of stars (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

What determines the growth of the galaxy, the local bias, and the rate at which stars are born? Tweet A large cluster of galaxies, Abell 2744. by the Hubble Space Telescope. (Provided by:NASA/ESA/STScI) Go to gallery page (Taro Kotani: University teacher and science writer) If you look into the depths of space with a telescope, … Read more

Molecular Cloud Hints at Black Hole ‘Runaway’ Experts

Molecular Cloud Hints at Black Hole ‘Runaway’ Experts

CNN Indonesia Monday, 20 Feb 2023 20:15 WIB Illustration. The comma-shaped molecular cloud could be a clue to the medium-sized black hole that scientists have been looking for. (Photo: iStockphoto/Cappan) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — A molecular cloud shaped like a comma is called a pointer black hole that astronomers have been looking for. What does it … Read more

Giant Black Hole Suspects of Acceleration of Universe Expansion

Giant Black Hole Suspects of Acceleration of Universe Expansion

CNN Indonesia Sunday, 19 Feb 2023 09:34 WIB Black holes are thought to be the culprits of the accelerating expansion of the universe. (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Black hole ‘monster’ size is suspected to be the culprit of the accelerated expansion Universe. How to? Astronomers have found clues that … Read more

Jadai Giant Black Holes Suspect Acceleration of Universe Expansion

Jadai Giant Black Holes Suspect Acceleration of Universe Expansion

CNN Indonesia Sunday, 19 Feb 2023 09:34 WIB Black holes are thought to be the culprits of the accelerating expansion of the universe. (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Black hole ‘monster’ size is suspected to be the culprit of the accelerated expansion Universe. How to? Astronomers have found clues that the … Read more

Scientists speculate that “black holes” may be related to “Expansion of the Universe” : PPTVHD36

Scientists speculate that “black holes” may be related to  “Expansion of the Universe” : PPTVHD36

A team of scientists proposes a new theory. that black holes may have a connection with the expansion of the universe Black holes are believed to have a source of ‘dark energy’. One of the mysteries of the universe that scientists are still working to solve is “black hole” in the center of many galaxies … Read more

Waiting for the Collision of the Milky Way Galaxy –

Waiting for the Collision of the Milky Way Galaxy –

ESO/FRESHMAN ROUND Image of the Milky Way galaxy’s core as photographed using a radio telescope antenna in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Chile. The current structure of the Milky Way galaxy is thought to have formed from several collisions between the Milky Way and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy billions of years ago. In another … Read more