‘H9N2 avian flu vaccines are still not enough’ | Pluimveeweb.nl

‘H9N2 avian flu vaccines are still not enough’ |  Pluimveeweb.nl

In practice, most vaccination programs against the H9N2 variant of avian influenza appear to be ineffective in poultry. This is the conclusion of doctoral student Xue Pan after the research with which he hopes to obtain his doctorate at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) next Wednesday. While other virus strains plague Dutch poultry farming, the … Read more

The bird flu virus can enter the barn through the air vent

The bird flu virus can enter the barn through the air vent

Coarse particles and insects can enter the vents of poultry houses with the air. These can be infected with bird flu or other pathogens. This has emerged from research by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) and Utrecht University. “Although we did not find an avian influenza virus in our research, we advise poultry farmers to take … Read more

Air intake is a possible route of introduction for avian flu | Pluimveeweb.nl

Air intake is a possible route of introduction for avian flu |  Pluimveeweb.nl

Coarse particles and insects – which can be infected with bird flu or other pathogens – can enter the vents of poultry farms with the air. This has emerged from research by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), part of Wageningen University & Research, and Utrecht University on the transport of possible carriers of the bird flu … Read more