Moderna and Merck’s cancer vaccine reduces the risk of recurrence or death by 44%, with promising results in a melanoma trial.

Moderna and Merck’s cancer vaccine reduces the risk of recurrence or death by 44%, with promising results in a melanoma trial.

Advancements in cancer therapies have been nothing short of remarkable in recent years, with ongoing research and development paving the way to more effective and innovative treatments. Now, a collaboration between Moderna and Merck may offer even greater hope for patients with cancer. The two pharmaceutical giants have created a unique combo cancer-vaccine treatment that … Read more

Cloning Technology Fulfills Scientists’ Ambition to Bring Extinct Animals Again

Cloning Technology Fulfills Scientists’ Ambition to Bring Extinct Animals Again

Jakarta – Millions of years ago, tigers Tasmania widespread throughout Australia. Animals the size of a coyote and has stripes on its body disappeared from mainland Australia about 2,000 years ago. These animals remained in Tasmania until the 1920s, when they were slaughtered by European colonizers who saw them as a threat to livestock. “It … Read more