Gas, those unused fields that others exploit and we do not (to lower the price of bills)

Gas, those unused fields that others exploit and we do not (to lower the price of bills)

There are over 90 billion cubic meters of methane at the bottom of the Italian sea. It can reach 120-130 billion, if we consider the potential resources of gas not yet ascertained. But they’ve been waiting there for years. Certainly two and a half years have passed since the moratorium on permits and concessions pending … Read more

Bills, the government is studying a solidarity contribution against the rises: stop the tax cut for incomes above 75 thousand euros

Bills, the government is studying a solidarity contribution against the rises: stop the tax cut for incomes above 75 thousand euros

MILANO – The government is thinking of a solidarity contribution to at least partially sterilize the cost increases bills energetic. This is what the premie would have announcedr Mario Draghi in the control room at Palazzo Chigi on the maneuver. According to what is learned from government sources, the intervention is still under study and … Read more

Accounts: SAD do Benfica no Verde, FC Porto and Sporting in technical bankruptcy

Accounts: SAD do Benfica no Verde, FC Porto and Sporting in technical bankruptcy

Having known the financial results for the 2020/2021 season, communicated by the SADs of Benfica, FC Porto and Sporting to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), the first conclusion is evident: the society of the red is the only one of the great ones that is in green. In other words, it presents positive equity … Read more