On video, the scene of the tragic accident at Magyaregregy

On video, the scene of the tragic accident at Magyaregregy

A broken engine, a broken windshield, a torn wheel – we show the scene of the fatal accident near Magyaregregy on video. Two twenty-somethings, a man and a woman, were on the motorcycle. According to information from RTL Híradó, they overtook the blue car in the video when they collided with the Audi coming from … Read more

There’s No Fear, These Girl Bikers Touring Cross Continents Ride Electric Motorbikes

There’s No Fear, These Girl Bikers Touring Cross Continents Ride Electric Motorbikes

Jakarta – There are still many who doubt the range of electric motors and their durability. However, this girl biker is determined to tour across continents by riding an electric motorbike. There’s no fear here. She is Sinje Gottwald. Quoted by Paultan, Gottwald rode the Cake Kalk AP electric motorbike during his transcontinental journey from … Read more

In France, there was a massive brawl between bikers, there is a dead and wounded

In France, there was a massive brawl between bikers, there is a dead and wounded

The incident took place at an exhibition center, where a number of events were held as part of the festival, including a tattoo exhibition and a poker tournament. Eyewitnesses said they used a knife during the fight. A man of about 50 years old was wounded in the liver area, they tried to help him, … Read more

The bikers demonstrated again against the compulsory technical control

The bikers demonstrated again against the compulsory technical control

Several thousand bikers demonstrated this Saturday, April 24, in particular in Amiens and Lille, notably opposing the implementation of a technical control, provided for by a European directive, and calling for a legal framework to be able to ride on modified motorcycles. In Amiens, the demonstration organized by the French Federation of Angry Bikers (FFMC) … Read more

Road safety: bikers oppose new CNSR report

Road safety: bikers oppose new CNSR report

Unsurprisingly, with the introduction of the curfew, the development of teleworking and the numerous restrictions linked to the health crisis (restaurants and bars closed, etc.), trips were less numerous. And road mortality decreased. In January, 171 people died on the roads, or 35% less than a year ago when we could move around freely. This … Read more

Many Cellphones Cannot Open WhatsApp Starting in 2021, Bikers Mobile Included?

Many Cellphones Cannot Open WhatsApp Starting in 2021, Bikers Mobile Included?

Tribunnews.com – Illustration. List of phones that can’t open WhatsApp starting next year, have bikers included? – MOTOR Plus-online.com – Seriously, a lot cell phone can’t access WhatsApp again next year. Though, application WhatsApp very important for many people, including bikers. Starting from setting a touring schedule or just chatting with each other bikers many … Read more

Note Here, 15 Foods That Bikers Should Avoid So That The Body’s Immune System Is Strong

Note Here, 15 Foods That Bikers Should Avoid So That The Body’s Immune System Is Strong

Pixabay/Free-Photos – The combination of foods that are not good for health, there are 15 foods that bikers avoid to keep the body’s immune system stronger – MOTOR Plus-online.com – To maintain the system body immunity to be strong better bikers avoid the 15 types food this. Bikers must be able to maintain health by … Read more