Israeli minister reveals possibility of his country attacking Iranian nuclear facilities Page all

JERUSALEM, – Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel could strike Iranian nuclear sites in the next two to three years. Explicit comments including the possibility of that time period were made by the “Zionist State” minister on Wednesday (28/12/2022). With international efforts to renew the 2015 nuclear deal stalled, Iran has ramped up its … Read more

United Arab Emirates: Demarcation of the maritime border between Lebanon and Israel improves prosperity

Abu Dhabi, capitals (WAM, agencies) The UAE welcomed the Lebanese Republic and the State of Israel that reached an agreement on the demarcation of maritime borders and appreciated the tireless mediation efforts undertaken by the United States of America between the two countries and expressed hope that this step contributes to strengthening the stability of … Read more

Wounds in the shooting of an Israeli bus in the Jordan Valley

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" The attack took place on a major north-south highway that crosses the Jordan Valley West BankThe road is littered with Israeli settlements and Palestinian villages and towns. A spokesman for the Israeli army said so Avijaa Adraiin a tweet on “Twitter”: “Palestinian terrorists opened fire on an Israeli bus in … Read more

Increasingly gripping, Israel is ready to go to war with Iran

Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz. (Source: AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner, File) TEL AVIV, KOMPAS.TV – Israel’s Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, expressed his country’s readiness to go to war against Iran. Gantz called Iran a global and regional problem. The situation of the two countries heated up after an attack drone against an Israeli tanker off the … Read more

They Won’t Be Able To Do It

Leader of the Hamas Political Bureau, Yahya Sinwar. (Source: Khalil Hamra/AP Photo) GAZA, KOMPAS.TV – The head of the Hamas Political Bureau in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, said he was not afraid of death threats from Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. This relates to Gantz’s threat to kill those responsible for the dangers that threaten Israel, … Read more

Israel suspends donations of COVID-19 vaccines to other countries | The World | DW

Israel froze the distribution of surplus vaccines against the coronavirus to allied countries, because the authorities must first examine whether that decision corresponds to the prime minister, the Ministry of Justice announced this Thursday (02/25/2021). On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the dispatch of a “limited quantity” of unused vaccines to the Palestinians … Read more

Annexation in the West Bank: Netanyahu stalls

Former chief of staff, Gabi Ashkénazi is used to rough mornings. But the head of Israeli diplomacy will remember this curious exchange on the air of Israeli military radio in this 1is July, a deadline trumpeted for weeks by Benjamin Netanyahu as marking the beginning of the process of partial annexation of the occupied West … Read more

Likud party strongest force in general election | TIME ONLINE

Both General election in Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party has become the strongest force, according to TV forecasts. Accordingly, the Likud had 36 to 37 mandates, the Challenger Benny Gantz’s middle-alliance blue-white was aged 32 to 34 mandates only second strongest. An absolute majority in the Knesset would require 61 seats. Netanyahu … Read more