The sweet potato is the food of the moment: 5 benefits you should know – FOOD

The sweet potato is the food of the moment: 5 benefits you should know – FOOD

It doesn’t matter if you know it as a sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato or sweet potato – their incredible benefits should be the real center of attention. Ipomoea batatas L, is a perennial dicotyledonous plant that is grouped in the Convolvulaceae family and stands out among other foods for its contributions to our … Read more

Frederic, Lammens and Meoni launched Operation Safe Summer 2021 in Entre Ríos

Frederic, Lammens and Meoni launched Operation Safe Summer 2021 in Entre Ríos

The Security operation will run until February 28 and its central axes will be focused on caring for the population on roads and tourist destinations, as well as crime prevention and mitigation. “This is the closing of a special year, which had a virtue: having worked together. We met working and solving problems that we … Read more

Education in emergency | The Herald

Education in emergency |  The Herald

It is estimated that around 13,000 students from official schools in Colombia dropped out in 2020 due to difficulties in accessing virtual classes, a situation derived from the restrictions established in the prevention of Covid-19. The news of the vaccination plan in Colombia and the program that the government has established comes as a hope … Read more

Here are 7 Habits that Can Reduce the Benefits of Using a Hand Sanitizer

Here are 7 Habits that Can Reduce the Benefits of Using a Hand Sanitizer

SINARJATENG.COM – Using a hand sanitizer or cleaning fluid correctly can help prevent the spread of infection virus COVID-19. However, the wrong use makes benefits from hand sanitizer not optimal. Here are some mistakes when using hand sanitizer thus making it ineffective at preventing virus, including COVID-19, as reported by Livestrong, Sunday: Also Read: Supporting … Read more

School Achievement Bonus: Check here if you are a beneficiary and have pending payments

School Achievement Bonus: Check here if you are a beneficiary and have pending payments

Included within the Family Attic Income (IEF), the 2020 School Achievement Bonus -also known as the Schooling Bonus or Student Bonus- is in the process of making payments for the more than 220 thousand beneficiaries of the contribution. It is a transfer made by the State of Chile to students who are in a complex … Read more

The Nintendo Switch Lite at only 196.35 euros

The Nintendo Switch Lite at only 196.35 euros

It’s the gift everyone dreams of seeing under the tree this year. The Nintendo Switch Lite is a limited edition on Amazon for just 196.35 euros, the cheapest on the web. Pink, blue, yellow or gray choose your Nintendo Switch Lite in the color that suits you. Did you say just 196.35 euros? And yes! … Read more

Myth or Fact? These are the benefits of omega-3s, ranging from reducing the risk of cancer to depression

Myth or Fact?  These are the benefits of omega-3s, ranging from reducing the risk of cancer to depression

GALAMEDIA – Often hear Omega-3? Yes, Omega-3 often referred to as super rich with ingredients benefits. So that many drug and supplement companies on the market claim that their products contain omega-3s. Then sold at a high price. It’s just not all things that are claimed to be benefits omega-3 has been tested clinically. Fish … Read more

This is the reason why garlic has many health benefits?

This is the reason why garlic has many health benefits?

loading… JAKARTA – Garlic, which is widely used as an ingredient or spice in cooking, is also often used for medicinal purposes. Yes, garlic has quite a lot of benefits for the health of the body. (Also read: Handle Comorbid Covid-19 Patients by Strengthening Services at Puskesmas) This type of onion is rich in beneficial … Read more