Average wealth of 555,000 euros: families in Belgium are much richer than in other euro countries

Average wealth of 555,000 euros: families in Belgium are much richer than in other euro countries

Although our families are much richer than those in other euro countries, there are many groups in Belgium that are not as rich as others. “Belgium is in an intermediate position in terms of wealth inequality,” says the National Bank. “Behind the general picture there are some vulnerable population groups.” For example, women, young people, … Read more

A fraud trial surrounding Optima Bank will begin in February in Ghent’s criminal court

A fraud trial surrounding Optima Bank will begin in February in Ghent’s criminal court

Piqueur and his lawyer Hans Rieder decided to file an appeal in cassation, which was only legally possible because Piqueur had filed a civil lawsuit against the National Bank and two other suspects. The Court of Cassation rejected all grounds in cassation, including a breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, … Read more

The case of the Julie Van Espen family against the Belgian State will be heard on Thursday

The case of the Julie Van Espen family against the Belgian State will be heard on Thursday

Steve Bakelmans was convicted of rape on June 30, 2017, but was not immediately ordered arrested. There was no arrest record in the file. However, it could be concluded that there was a risk of flight, because he had repeatedly failed to return from prison leave or had not returned in time after a previous … Read more

Engie and Carmeuse pull the plug on a multi-million dollar green project in Charleroi

Engie and Carmeuse pull the plug on a multi-million dollar green project in Charleroi

With the Columbus project, Engie and Carmeuse, in collaboration with technical partner John Cockerill, wanted to capture the CO2 emissions of a new type of lime kiln and then combine them with green hydrogen. The process would ultimately produce synthetic methane, which, according to the two companies, could be fed into the gas network as … Read more

90 years of Ciro celebrated with enthusiasm in Sportpaleis in Antwerp

90 years of Ciro celebrated with enthusiasm in Sportpaleis in Antwerp

Sing Chiro’s songs together, dance to ‘t Smidje’ by Laïs or play a game of rock-scissors en masse. The anniversary celebration brought out feelings of nostalgia and solidarity among the people of Chiro. There were performances by, among others, Tinne Oltmans, Jean Bosco Safari, Klaas Delrue (Yevgueni) and Wim Soutaer, who all have Chiro’s own … Read more

More victims of Mohamed Al-Fayed come forward: “Every young woman around him was a target”

More victims of Mohamed Al-Fayed come forward: “Every young woman around him was a target”

How was Mohamed Al-Fayed? Mohamed Al-Fayed (1929-2023) came from Egypt. On the streets of the port city of Alexandria, he started simply as a lemonade seller before working his way up and making his fortune in the business world. A stepping stone to that better life was his brief marriage to the sister of Saudi … Read more

A lawyer will be involved in ChatGPT for an application in a drug test in Liège

A lawyer will be involved in ChatGPT for an application in a drug test in Liège

The trial is related to the trafficking of cocaine through the port of Antwerp and other European ports. The drugs from South America arrived in Antwerp, were removed from the cargo there and then transported to the Calabrese mafia. The 38-year-old Kosovar now faces a prison sentence of 15 years. His lawyer, Mathieu Simonis, has … Read more

Herman Brusselmans will appear in court next week after a controversial column about the Gaza war

Herman Brusselmans will appear in court next week after a controversial column about the Gaza war

The column written by Brusselmans on August 6 this year caused a great stir. The equal opportunities center UNIA and the European Jewish Association (EJA), among others, lodged a complaint. The council chamber decided on October 18 that the latter’s complaint was inadmissible, but the EJA appealed. The non-profit organization Jewish Information and Documentation Center … Read more

Network rates on electricity bills could increase by 31 percent in 2025

Network rates on electricity bills could increase by 31 percent in 2025

In March this year, the VREG expected a 23 percent increase in network rates in 2025, or an average of 82 euros more per year. The increase is now even higher. As an explanation, the regulator refers to the Flemish budget where “no compensation is provided to compensate some of the costs incurred by the … Read more

A man who kills Evere’s partner

A man who kills Evere’s partner

“Around 3pm a man presented himself at the police station in Evere with the report that he had killed his partner,” said the spokesman of the public prosecutor’s office Amaury Verhoustraete. “The man was freed and patrols from the police of Brussels North (Evere/Schaerbeek/Sint-Joost-ten-Noode) went to the scene immediately, together with the emergency services. In … Read more