November 2017 Strike Impact on Public Transportation Services in Belgium

November 2017 Strike Impact on Public Transportation Services in Belgium

The unions had initially decided to strike on Thursday, November 9, but decided on Wednesday to continue the strike until Tuesday, November 14. Today, the disruption to services was “very significant”, according to De Lijn. It is not clear how great the impact the coming strike days will have on services. According to De Lijn, … Read more

Railway Employee Dissatisfaction: Causes and Consequences of the Strike

Railway Employee Dissatisfaction: Causes and Consequences of the Strike

Why is there a strike? There is a lot of dissatisfaction among railway employees about the internal reorganization and “productivity measures” that management wants to implement. Plans to halve the start-up time of train conductors to 10 minutes, among other things, have met with a lot of resistance. According to Koen De Mey, Flemish chairman … Read more

Belgian Tourist’s Video Shows High Level of Safety in the Kingdom: Al Marsad Newspaper

Belgian Tourist’s Video Shows High Level of Safety in the Kingdom: Al Marsad Newspaper

Al Marsad newspaper: A Belgian tourist documented a video clip in which he expressed his admiration for the level of safety in the Kingdom. The video showed the tourist documenting snapshots of the open doors of some houses while walking through the streets of Riyadh at night. He pointed out that leaving the doors of … Read more

Antwerp Fire Brigade Auctions: Fire Suits, Oxygen Tanks, Diving Equipment, Office Supplies, and More!

Antwerp Fire Brigade Auctions: Fire Suits, Oxygen Tanks, Diving Equipment, Office Supplies, and More!

In addition to the fire truck, the Antwerp fire brigade offers many other items. This concerns typical fire brigade equipment, such as fire suits, an oxygen tank and diving equipment, but also everyday items, such as office equipment, rubbish bins and even GPS devices. Various passenger cars are also auctioned. 2023-11-03 19:37:00 #Antwerp #fire #brigade … Read more

VDL Nedcar Layoffs: 2,000 Jobs to be Cut, Leaving Belgian and Dutch Workers Devastated

VDL Nedcar Layoffs: 2,000 Jobs to be Cut, Leaving Belgian and Dutch Workers Devastated

At Dutch car company VDL Nedcar in Born, near the Belgian border, 2,000 jobs will disappear again in March. The news comes after an earlier round of layoffs in which 1,000 temporary workers and 500 permanent employees lost their jobs. Several hundred Belgians also work for the company. “Many of them have already experienced the … Read more

Friends Star Matthew Perry Found Dead at Home: Drowning in Jacuzzi? Updates and More

Friends Star Matthew Perry Found Dead at Home: Drowning in Jacuzzi? Updates and More

Perry was reportedly found dead at his home in Los Angeles on Saturday. According to, among others, the American showbiz site TMZ, which first broke the news, the actor is said to have drowned in a jacuzzi. The emergency services were called for a cardiac arrest, it said. The police would not suspect foul play. … Read more

The Hercule Poirot Prize: Benny Baudewijns Wins with Thriller Novel ‘The Buchinsky Incident’ Set in Cold War

The Hercule Poirot Prize: Benny Baudewijns Wins with Thriller Novel ‘The Buchinsky Incident’ Set in Cold War

The Hercule Poirot Prize was established in 1998 by Knack Weekend to give Flemish thriller authors a boost. The honors list includes Jef Geeraerts, Pieter Aspe and Luc Deflo. This year, Benny Baudewijns will be the laureate. The jury chose him over former winners such as Wouter Dehairs, Toni Coppers, Jos Pierreux and Bavo Dhooge. … Read more

Unions and Management Clash Over Productivity and Social Dialogue in Railway Strike Notice

Unions and Management Clash Over Productivity and Social Dialogue in Railway Strike Notice

The unions state in their strike notice that they are confronted with “unilateral decisions by management, aimed at increasing productivity among staff”, but the managements “strongly contradict this”. They note that the railways have approximately 85 joint bodies, with 800 official meetings per year, and that therefore “ample attention is paid to social dialogue”. At … Read more

Bus Drivers Protest for Purchasing Power Premium and Sector Agreement

Bus Drivers Protest for Purchasing Power Premium and Sector Agreement

The protest among bus drivers in the private bus and car sector is aimed, among other things, against the lack of an agreement on a purchasing power premium. “Employees in the sector are fed up with the lack of an agreement and no appreciation from employers,” reports the socialist trade union ABVV-BTB. “The drivers want … Read more