Discovering the Real “Sleep Master”: Why Millet is the Best Food Therapy for Insomnia

Discovering the Real “Sleep Master”: Why Millet is the Best Food Therapy for Insomnia

[Voice of Hope May 5, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) There are some people who often spend their nights like this: I can sleep for eight hours tonight, so happy There are still seven hours, don’t panic, don’t panic There are six hours left, it’s time to sleep Help!only five hours Four hours, if you don’t sleep, … Read more

“Bean Preparation Method that Harms the Brain and Potentially Causes Poisoning”

“Bean Preparation Method that Harms the Brain and Potentially Causes Poisoning”

07:20 PM Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Books – Sayed MetwallyThe bean meal is considered essential on the Suhoor table in Ramadan, but despite its benefits, there is a common method that some people do in this meal that may cause harm to your health.According to Dr. Sayed Hammad, a nutrition consultant at the National Institute … Read more

Internationally recognized as the best food for nutrient-rich and hypoglycemic | Onion | Oats | Broccoli | Beans | Grapefruit | Spinach | Internationally recognized | Nutritious and hypoglycemic |

Internationally recognized as the best food for nutrient-rich and hypoglycemic | Onion | Oats | Broccoli | Beans | Grapefruit | Spinach | Internationally recognized | Nutritious and hypoglycemic |

[Voice of Hope February 24, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) There are more than 400 million people in the world suffering from diabetes, and the scary thing is that 100 million of them are Chinese people. When calculated together, it is equivalent to every ten of us. There will be a diabetic, which sounds kind of creepy. … Read more

Foods that reduce sexual desire | the concerto

Foods that reduce sexual desire |  the concerto

The daily diet has an effect on sex drive, so if it includes unhealthy foods, there is a possibility that the person will suffer from a decrease in the desire to have sex. In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews foods that reduce sexual desire, according to the “Medical Daily” website. Also read: For men.. … Read more

Treating winter blues: 7 foods that help get rid of it

Treating winter blues: 7 foods that help get rid of it

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun: Healthy eating plays an important role in treating seasonal depression in winter, as certain foods help relieve its annoying symptoms very effectively. In the following report, “Consulto” reviews the best foods effective in the treatment of winter depression, according to “Every day health” and “Healthline”. Read also: Don’t ignore it … Read more