With the seniors’ neighborhood help to Tyrol and Bavaria

MTK-News by Adolf Albus (14.02.2023) The association SeniorenNachbarschaftsHilfe e. V. organizes two trips with the tour operator Bavaria Tours GmbH. The first runs from June 11th to 17th to Tyrol and South Tyrol. According to the organizer, the participants can expect “the majestic mountains in the heart of the Alps. It goes to the fountain … Read more

FIFA has named the contenders for the best goalkeeper award

FIFA has named the contenders for the best goalkeeper award

fifa nominated seven contenders for the title of best goalkeeper and receiving The Best award fifa Soccer awards. The awards ceremony will take place on February 27, 2023. The achievements will be celebrated between August 8, 2021 and December 18, 2022. Last year the prize was Édouard Mendy from “Chelsea”. List of contenders: (Liverpool, Brazil). … Read more