Work on Landesstraße L 60 (Fabrikenstraße) in the local area of ​​Groß-Siegharts has started

Work on Landesstraße L 60 (Fabrikenstraße) in the local area of ​​Groß-Siegharts has started

Measures are important for road safety St. Polten (OTS) – The roadway of the state road L 60 in the Groß-Siegharts area no longer met today’s traffic requirements due to the damage that had occurred. For this reason, the Lower Austrian road service and the municipality of Groß-Sieghart have decided on the one hand to … Read more

“Aid Organization Salzburg and Salzburg Wohnbau Team Up to Provide Housing for Refugee Families”

“Aid Organization Salzburg and Salzburg Wohnbau Team Up to Provide Housing for Refugee Families”

pts20230511033 Building/living, business/economy Aid organization Salzburg cooperates with Salzburg housing Bergheim near Salzburg (pts033/05/11/2023/11:50) – Especially in times of crises and conflicts, it is essential to move closer together and offer one’s help. Salzburg Wohnbau therefore works closely with the Salzburg aid organization and provides apartments for refugee aid. The Aid organization Salzburg is again … Read more

“Green Oasis: Hamburg Constructs Park on Top of A7 Motorway Noise Protection Tunnel”

“Green Oasis: Hamburg Constructs Park on Top of A7 Motorway Noise Protection Tunnel”

Hamburg (dpa / lno) – birdsong instead of car noise – this dream for thousands of residents of the A7 in Hamburg-Stellingen comes true. A good two years after completion of the 900 meter long noise protection tunnel, a park will be laid out on the tunnel roof above the eight-lane motorway. The senators for … Read more

VMF Immobilien: Rainer Sommer becomes the new marketing manager

VMF Immobilien: Rainer Sommer becomes the new marketing manager

The project and property development company VMF Immobilien GmbH strengthens the management team with Rainer Sommer. Vienna (OTS) – Rainer J. Sommer, MA, has recently been in charge of communication and marketing at VMF Immobilien. The 47-year-old communications and marketing professional holds a post-graduate master’s degree in public communication and has over 20 years of … Read more

Federal Minister Martin Polaschek presents the “Better Learning Worlds AWARD”

Federal Minister Martin Polaschek presents the “Better Learning Worlds AWARD”

Vienna (OTS) – For the second time, the Minister of Education, Science and Research Martin Polaschek presented the “Better Learning Worlds AWARD” and the Baukultur Education Project Award in a festive setting in BG / BRG Vienna III. “Educational buildings are of particular importance for the state of education in our society and for the … Read more

Atmira secures a loan of 312 million for the logistics center in Erfurt

Atmira secures a loan of 312 million for the logistics center in Erfurt

The Atmira Group finances the construction of the Erfurt A logistics center [wir berichteten] through a consortium consisting of pbb, BayernLB and Stadtsparkasse München with a senior loan of approximately € 254 million. . <!– –> As a senior consortium, pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, BayernLB and Stadtsparkasse München are providing a loan of around EUR 254 … Read more

Housing Policy – Berlin – Left wants more money for municipal housing companies – Politics

Housing Policy – Berlin – Left wants more money for municipal housing companies – Politics

Berlin (dpa / bb) – In view of the sharp rise in construction prices, the left is demanding more money from the state for municipal housing companies. “It is important that we enable municipal housing construction even in the crisis,” said the spokesman for rents and housing for the left-wing faction in the Berlin House … Read more

Can Zika Virus Change Body Odor?

Can Zika Virus Change Body Odor?

Acetophenone occurs naturally in many foods, including apples, cheese, apricots, bananas, beef and cauliflower. Mice infected with Zika or Dengue hemorrhagic fever produced ten times more acetophenone than healthy mice. After the researchers smeared rats and some human volunteers with acetophenone, the researchers were able to confirm that mosquitoes were indeed attracted to the smell … Read more

Leinemann Partner appoints six new junior partners

Leinemann Partner appoints six new junior partners

The commercial law firm Leinemann Partner has appointed Christoph Conrad, Hauke ​​Meyhöfer, Andreas Rosenauer, Marco Michael Hohensee, Felix S. Thomas and Daniel Altenburg as junior partners with effect from July 1, 2022. The law firm is thus strengthening the management team of the young partners from its own ranks. . <!– –> “I am pleased … Read more

Krefeld: University campus is being expanded

Krefeld: University campus is being expanded

Jun 22, 2022 @ 8:14pm The Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences is building a “technical center” for the chemistry department – and opening the new multi-storey car park : Two new buildings on Campus West – The new chemistry technical center is being built on this construction site on the Krefeld West campus of the … Read more