Police Arrest Four Suspects in Viral Teenage Girls Bullying Case in Batam, Riau Islands

Police Arrest Four Suspects in Viral Teenage Girls Bullying Case in Batam, Riau Islands

Batam – The police arrested four suspected perpetrators who went viral bullying teenage girls in Batam, Riau Islands (Kepri). The four of them are still being questioned by the police. “Everything has been secured,” said the Head of Lubuk Baja Criminal Investigation Unit, Ipda Jonathan Reinhart Pakpahan, as reported by detikSumut, Friday (1/3/2024). The four … Read more

Batam City Government Raises Health Awareness with New Antigen Immunization and IVA Screening

Batam City Government Raises Health Awareness with New Antigen Immunization and IVA Screening

Batam (ANTARA) – The Batam City Government, Riau Islands, is socializing new antigen immunization and Acetic Acid Visual Inspection (IVA) screening to the public to increase awareness of health. Batam City Regional Secretary Jefridin Hamid in Batam, Saturday, said that outreach activities also aim to carry out early detection and monitoring of risk factors for … Read more

Clashes Erupt in Batam Due to Land Surveying for Rempang Eko City Project – Situation Now Conducive, Says Head of Riau Islands Police

Clashes Erupt in Batam Due to Land Surveying for Rempang Eko City Project – Situation Now Conducive, Says Head of Riau Islands Police

Jakarta – The Head of the Riau Islands Police (Kepri) Inspector General Tabana Bangun confirmed that the situation was conducive after residents of Rempang Island, Kota Batam, Riau Islands, had clashed with the authorities. It is known that the clashes were triggered by land surveying activities for the development of the Rempang Eko City project. … Read more

Outbreak of Singapore Flu-like Disease in Riau Islands: WIYOGA COMPASS/GUIDE

Outbreak of Singapore Flu-like Disease in Riau Islands: WIYOGA COMPASS/GUIDE

WIYOGA COMPASS/GUIDE Raja Ahmad Tabib Regional General Hospital in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands, Wednesday (10/2/2021). BATAM, KOMPAS — A number of children in the Riau Archipelago have contracted a disease with symptoms similar to Singapore flu or hand, foot and mouth disease. Health workers were dispatched to the field to conduct counseling in affected areas. … Read more

88 Chinese Nationals Arrested in Batam for Extortion Through Video Call Sex (VCS)

88 Chinese Nationals Arrested in Batam for Extortion Through Video Call Sex (VCS)

Jakarta – The Riau Islands Police, Divhubinter Mabes Polri, and the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) conducted a raid in the Kara Industrial area, Batam City. A total of 88 foreign nationals from China were arrested in connection with cases of extortion through video call sex (VCS). “This is … Read more

Government officials and private parties are suspected of being involved in human trafficking crimes in Batam, according to Mahfud MD, Indonesia’s Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister. An investigation will take place.

Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Mahfud MD has stated that there are indications of government officials and private parties being involved in alleged human trafficking crimes in Batam. While visiting the Santa Theresia Shelter in Sekupang, Batam, Riau Islands, which is run by the local Catholic church and active in human trafficking victim … Read more

Batam and Bintan power cuts for 12 hours, here is the explanation of PLN

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) opened his voice regarding the power outage which lasted 12 hours in Batam and Bintan areas. This is due to bad weather that occurred on New Year’s Eve in 2023. Despite having been interrupted, after 12 hours of blackout, PLN has returned to restoring electricity to … Read more

Fantastic increase in HIV/AIDS cases in Batam, dominated by same-sex couples

Liputan6.com, Batam – Municipal Health Office Batam recorded an increase in the number of cases HIV/AIDS in Batam City reaching 446 people in 2022. The amazing thing, from the findings of the Healthcare Company, it is stated that the increase in cases is dominated by the deviations in the behavior of homosexual couples. Batam City … Read more

VIRAL on TikTok! The results of the Nokia Edge 2022 camera are able to take photos of objects in Singapore from Batam clearly

SEMARANGKU – The following is information about the viral video on TikTok which shows the camera results Nokia Edge 2022 who photographed the object in Singapore from Batam. Previous FYP TikTok more highlight about design Nokia Edge 2022 which is considered similar to the iPhone. But currently the upload is about camera results Nokia Edge … Read more

RI wants to export electricity to Singapore, where does it come from?

Jakarta – Indonesia plans to export electricity to Singapore. The electricity generated is sourced from new and renewable energy (EBT). The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management (Ditjen PRL) discussed plans and strategies with PT PLN (Persero), the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), and … Read more