Credit in companies in Alicante falls to its lowest historical levels

Credit to companies and families in the province is already in the lowest levels since there are records. This is reflected in the latest report issued by the Bank of Spain in which the total number of loans issued in Alicante up to September 2022 is accounted for and places them at 34,091 million euroswhich … Read more

Credit card contraction in Zamora increases by 15%

Inflation and the proximity of Christmas are creating that sand increase the number of zamoranos who choose the credit card to make ends meet or make purchases that occur on these dates, which can cause heavy debt for the population. In this regard the Bank of Spain notes that “risks to financial stability have increased … Read more

How to save €200 a month on your mortgage

Rising interest rates upset citizens who own a mortgaged property. Most think little or nothing can be done, but reality is stubborn and has shown it Yes, it is possible to lower the mortgage payments. Statistical data show that the average amount of increases recorded in Spanish mortgage payments in recent months is around 2,400 … Read more

entities return the highest amount of the decade

Consumer complaints against banking institutions skyrocketed in 2021 by 61% compared to 2020. This is reflected in the Claims report 2021 published this Monday from Bank of Spainwhich specifies that the normal elaborate 34,330 complaints from bank customersespecially for problems relating to mortgages and cards. – The document details that after the claims, the financial … Read more

Delinquency falls slightly in May and bank credit stagnates

The non-performing loans granted by Spanish banks fell again in May, although only one hundredth with respect to April (4.19%), until 4.18%, its lowest level since January 2009. For its part, credit granted by the sector stagnated compared to the rise in April. Related news According to provisional data from the Bank of Spain, delinquency … Read more

The Euribor runs wild in June to its highest rate in the last ten years

The twelve-month Euribor, the most widely used indicator for calculating mortgages, continues rampant in June, a month that has closed at 0.852%which represents its highest rate since August 2012. The average rate for June represents an increase of more than half a point compared to that of May (0.287%) and slightly more than 1.3 points … Read more

The average rate of mortgages registers a minimum of 1,503% in 2021

MADRID, 20 (EUROPA PRESS) The average rate at which Spanish entities granted loans for mortgages stood at 1.448% in December, which gives an annual average of 1.503%, the lowest since there are records, according to data from the Bank of Spain collected by the Spanish Mortgage Association (AHE). The annual average is thus below the … Read more

Easy credits, endless debts

The quick credits They are loans of small amounts that are usually granted immediately and with hardly any requirements through the Internet or by phone. In “Easy credits, endless debts”, Weekly report analyzes this loan system that mainly traps people in complicated situations and who on many occasions it is in the hands of companies … Read more

These are all the commissions that the bank cannot charge you

Commissions are one of the great fears of bank customers. This year, in addition, some entities have tightened the conditions for unrelated clients. Individuals with few movements in the eyes of the bank (those who do not direct their payroll or do not use the cards, for example) are tighter than before in terms of … Read more