Palma Court docket dismisses fast mortgage at 3,500% curiosity

En el mercado funcionan muchas empresas que se dedican a otorgar créditos rápidos, a cambio de unos intereses desproporcionados. Son financieras que no están bajo el control del Banco de España y ello les permite imponer unos intereses que son desproporcionados y rozan la usura. Se aprovechan de clientes que, por diferentes circunstancias, cuando necesitan … Read more

the six-month interest rate falls to 3.6% and is below 3.45% at one year

the six-month interest rate falls to 3.6% and is below 3.45% at one year

This Tuesday, the Spanish Public Treasury placed 5,231.93 million euros in short-term debt, in the expected medium-high range. On this occasion, the agency dependent on the Government (more specifically, the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business) has offered less profitability for both six-month and 12-month bills. Investors anticipate that the European Central Bank (ECB) will … Read more

Challenges of Getting a Mortgage Later in Life: Age Limits and Additional Requirements

Challenges of Getting a Mortgage Later in Life: Age Limits and Additional Requirements

Buying a home without taking out a mortgage is practically an unattainable fantasy, especially now, with skyrocketing prices. But it is not easy for the bank to grant it to you either. When you are young because you do not yet have income that provides security to the entity. And when you are older, because … Read more

Ombudsman Takes Proactive Initiative to Strengthen Consumer Protection in Microcredit Sector

The Ombudsman, Angel Gabilondohas taken a proactive initiative involving the Bank of Spain and the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support. This step focuses on evaluating and strengthening consumer protection in the field of microcredit. Context of microcredits Microcredits, also known as quick loans, are mainly aimed at consumers in precarious or desperate … Read more

Governor of the Bank of Spain says that it is not necessary to extend the mortgage relief measures

Governor of the Bank of Spain says that it is not necessary to extend the mortgage relief measures

MADRID, Nov 20 (Reuters) -Bank of Spain Governor Pablo Hernández de Cos said on Monday he did not see the need at the moment for banks to potentially extend mortgage relief measures for vulnerable households, given the lack of use by citizens until now. Last week, the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, said that … Read more

This is how the Code of Good Practices of the Bank of Spain works to protect mortgage holders

This is how the Code of Good Practices of the Bank of Spain works to protect mortgage holders

Although this Thursday the European Central Bank (BCE) has decided to keep the price of money unchanged, interest rates have not stopped rising since July 2022. And it has done so at an unprecedented rate since its creation in 1999: 4.5 percentage points. With these figures, the ECB has decided to leave the main rate … Read more

The Code of Good Practices: A Lifeline for Mortgage Payment Troubles

The Code of Good Practices: A Lifeline for Mortgage Payment Troubles

The payment of the mortgage It can become a real nightmare for many people who for some reason are going through a difficult economic situation. However, for these people it also opens a door to hope. We have a new section where we offer all the information related to the Code of Good Practices #bdeFinancialEducation … Read more

Castilla-La Mancha’s Debt Reaches Historical High, but Minister of Treasury Remains Optimistic

Castilla-La Mancha’s Debt Reaches Historical High, but Minister of Treasury Remains Optimistic

It is almost a given that the Minister of the Treasury, who in this case is Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, has many headaches. And even more so at this time when he has to balance the budgets for next year. But if there is something that he does not have to worry about right now, … Read more

Governor of the Bank of Spain Confirms High Interest Rates Will Persist

Governor of the Bank of Spain Confirms High Interest Rates Will Persist

The worst news for those who have contracted variable interest mortgage loans has been confirmed by the Governor of the Bank of Spain, Pablo Hernandez de Cos: interest rates will remain high “for a long time”, at least until inflation is around 2%. Hernández de Cos made this forceful statement at the Barcelona headquarters of … Read more

The Heavy Mortgage of Spain’s Increasing Debt: A Look at the Government’s Extraordinary Spending

Some 170 million euros to subsidize trains and buses for young people, 17 million for unions, an extraordinary 14 million for the public company Tragsatec in order to unblock European funds, 3.3 million as a credit supplement for the CIS, 10 million to subsidize the cinema for those over 65 years of age… Without forgetting … Read more