Developing Quantum Dots Material for Future Applications: Market Growth and Research Challenges

Developing Quantum Dots Material for Future Applications: Market Growth and Research Challenges

Prof. Iskandar Ferry presented a material entitled “Development of Quantum Dots Material and its Application in the Future”. Quantum dots are dimensionless quasi-materials that are nanometers in size and have unique properties that arise as a result of quantum phenomena/effects. The development of quantum dots began in the 1980s when a researcher named Aleksey Ekimov … Read more

TPOA Astronomy Show Highlights Space Exploration, Mars Colonization, Exoplanets, and Gold Traces in Space – ITB Astronomers Lead Interactive Presentation

TPOA Astronomy Show Highlights Space Exploration, Mars Colonization, Exoplanets, and Gold Traces in Space – ITB Astronomers Lead Interactive Presentation

TPOA, the party that organized the show, is the team that manages the National Science Olympiad (OSN) for astronomy at the high school level and also trains the Indonesian representatives for the competition. International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). This presentation was delivered by second and third year ITB astronomy students who are members … Read more

“Development of Thermal Environmental Control Technology for Buildings and Urban Areas” – Prof. Dr. Ir. Surjamanto Wonorahardjo

“Development of Thermal Environmental Control Technology for Buildings and Urban Areas” – Prof. Dr. Ir. Surjamanto Wonorahardjo

One of those who delivered his oration was Prof. Dr. Ir. Surjamanto Wonorahardjo, MT, from the ITB School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPK). The topics presented by Prof. Surjamanto is “Development of Thermal Environmental Control Technology for Buildings and Urban Areas.” He explained that the materials used in building construction are one aspect … Read more

Red and White Catalyst: ITB Researchers Develop Nationally-Made Catalysts for Industry Use

Red and White Catalyst: ITB Researchers Develop Nationally-Made Catalysts for Industry Use

The lab is called the Chemical Reaction and Catalysis Engineering Laboratory. There, Prof. Dr. Ir. Subagjo, DEA, Prof. Dr. Ir. IGB Ngurah Makertihartha, and Dr. Ir. Melia Laniwati Gunawan, MS, from the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB, is committed to jointly conducting research on the topic of catalysts. Apart from … Read more

Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2023: Young Astronomers, Oral Presentations, and Fathia’s Success

Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2023: Young Astronomers, Oral Presentations, and Fathia’s Success

Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2023 (APRIM 2023) is a discussion space related to certain scientific topics and meetings between scientists in the Asia-Pacific, especially young astronomers. This activity is open to anyone who has research in the field of astronomy and is sponsored by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). APRIM 2023 contains an oral presentation … Read more