Cartagena looks out at the PhotoEspaña festival: the images of the confinement balconies take to the streets

Cartagena looks out at the PhotoEspaña festival: the images of the confinement balconies take to the streets

CARTAGENA. Fifty photographs that were taken during the confinement in the Region of Murcia and that had as their inspiration the balconies and windows, have gone out to those streets that were then forbidden to remember feelings, loneliness, hope, thanks, … Those streets are those of Cartagena, where this artistic tribute to the collective effort … Read more

Balconies of Calle Mayor, Chapitela and Plaza del Castillo will exhibit images of the confinement

Balconies of Calle Mayor, Chapitela and Plaza del Castillo will exhibit images of the confinement

Pamplona this summer will have a new outdoor showroom, a tour of 50 balconies that will begin in the main Street and that through the calle Chapitela will end in Castle plaza. On the balconies you can see images of the exhibition ‘# PHEdesdemibalcón‘, driven PHotoESPAÑA with images of the confinement. For this national call, … Read more