Roland Sallai intends to leave Breisgau

Roland Sallai intends to leave Breisgau

This is a bit of a surprise: like the portal Transfer market wants to know, Roland Sallai intends to leave Freiburg. As a result, the right winger forces a departure from the second-placed Breisgau by next summer at the latest. At the start of the season, the Hungarian international was a regular before an orbital … Read more

KPO Graz | News | That’s right: the budget of the city of Graz in the headlines

KPO Graz |  News |  That’s right: the budget of the city of Graz in the headlines

Robert Krotzer on media reports on the budget of the city of Graz. A few words about today’s media reports, especially the covers of Kleiner Zeitung and Krone von Robert Krotzer. #Yup, The Graz city government took on a difficult financial legacy from the black-blue predecessor coalition, as the graph below makes clear. #Yup, the … Read more

Democratic “Yoon government budget plan,” ruthless welfare “” … People’s power “Not Lee Jae-myung, keep the budget for people’s livelihood”

Democratic “Yoon government budget plan,” ruthless welfare “” … People’s power “Not Lee Jae-myung, keep the budget for people’s livelihood”

Ahead of next year’s budget review, the Democratic Party of Korea criticized the Yoon Seok-yeol administration’s first budget proposal as a “ruthless well-being” that cut people’s livelihood budget, while the party to the government he refuted, saying: “It is an obstacle to the budget”. In a briefing written today, Democratic Party deputy spokesman Lee Kyung-kyung … Read more

Milan, debts cut and revenues growing: a jewel in the hands of RedBird

Milan, debts cut and revenues growing: a jewel in the hands of RedBird

Elliott’s latest budget certifies the club’s recovery. Now a new phase with Cardinale: the aim is for a turnover of 500 million in the long term and leverage will not be used. Singer remarks: he has the pledge on the shares Elliott gave RedBird a little gem. The brand revitalized by the Scudetto and the … Read more

Motions of no confidence against the French government fail

Motions of no confidence against the French government fail

EPA News from the NOS•yesterday, 21:07 There is no majority in the French parliament due to two no-confidence motions against President Macron’s government. The opposition has filed the motions because next year’s budget will be approved without a vote in parliament. Both the radical left-wing LFI party and Marine le Pen’s radical right-wing RN submitted … Read more

Sales of cars of a famous European brand assembled in China began in Russia

Sales of cars of a famous European brand assembled in China began in Russia

In Russia, the following organizations have been recognized as extremist and banned: FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation, recognized as a foreign agent), Navalny Headquarters, National Bolshevik Party, Jehovah’s Witnesses, People’s Army, Russian National Union, Movement against illegal immigration “,” Right Sector “, UNA-UNSO, UPA,” Trident im. Stepan Bandera “,” Misanthropic Division “,” Mejlis of the Tatar people … Read more

The European Parliament rejects the budget of the Frontex border guard again

The European Parliament rejects the budget of the Frontex border guard again

EPA News from the NOS•yesterday, 19:40•Modified yesterday, 19:58 The European Parliament rejected for the second time the 2020 annual accounts of the European Border and Coast Guard Frontex. MEPs who did not approve the budget believe that Frontex is still not doing enough against human rights violations at the borders of the European Union. For … Read more

The poet Turki Al-Mizani reveals the details of his dispute with the poet Safar Al-Dhailbi • Newspaper Al-Marsad

The poet Turki Al-Mizani reveals the details of his dispute with the poet Safar Al-Dhailbi • Newspaper Al-Marsad

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The poet “Turki Al-Mizani” talked about the details of his dispute with the poet “Safar Al-Daghilbi” which has been going on for years. He said, through the “Yahla” program of the “Rotana Khaleejia” channel, that he has all respect for “Al-Daghilbi”, adding that his refusal to be a poet indicates his respect for … Read more

Kim Eui-gyeom, “87.8 billion won in taxes on the advice of shamans” for the new guesthouse for the presidential office

Kim Eui-gyeom, “87.8 billion won in taxes on the advice of shamans” for the new guesthouse for the presidential office

The opposition party criticized it as a waste of money as the presidential office decided to spend 80 billion won to build a new building for the reception of domestic and foreign guests, which will serve as the Gu Cheong Wa Dae’s guesthouse. According to the “State Property Management Fund 2022 Budget Plan” received by … Read more

[이상민의 경제기사비평] The reason why magic happens that exceeds 100% of the budget

[이상민의 경제기사비평] The reason why magic happens that exceeds 100% of the budget

–▲ On August 25, Choo Kyung-ho, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance, will hold a detailed briefing on the 2023 budget at the Sejong City Government Complex. Ⓒ Yonhap news – There was a report that the opening of the Blue House would have an economic effect of 200 billion … Read more