Syrians Embrace Ramadan Freedom: First Fast Without Assad’s Rule in Decades

Syrians Embrace Ramadan Freedom: First Fast Without Assad’s Rule in Decades

ramadan Begins in Syria Under New Islamist Rule Amidst Restrictions Table of Contents ramadan Begins in Syria Under New Islamist Rule Amidst Restrictions New Regulations and Observances in damascus The Rise of Islamist Governance Voices from Syria Global observances and Regional Context Ramadan Traditions and Practices Ramadan in Syria: A New Dawn or a Dawn … Read more

France is fighting London and Washington for submarines for Australia

France is fighting London and Washington for submarines for Australia

Baghdad confirmed its desire to buy from Paris for the Iraqi Air Force a squadron (12 units) of French Rafale multi-role fighters from Dassault Aviation. The deal is worth $3.2 billion, but it will be paid not in cash transfers, but in crude oil, which will satisfy both France, which needs energy, and allow Iraq … Read more

Watch: Iraqi politician closes main street in central Baghdad with large pots to cook 100 lunches!

Watch: Iraqi politician closes main street in central Baghdad with large pots to cook 100 lunches!

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Social media users circulated a video clip showing an Iraqi Shiite politician blocking a street near the new Central Bank of Iraq in Baghdad. To prepare and cook 100 pots of food. The video shows a scene in which large pots full of food extend a long distance from the street, reaching dozens … Read more

Ismail Haniya: The Profile of the Hamas Leader Who Murdered Israel in Iran – 2024-07-31 07:32:27

Ismail Haniya: The Profile of the Hamas Leader Who Murdered Israel in Iran
 – 2024-07-31 07:32:27

Hamas political leader Ismail Haniya, who was assassinated today (31/7) in Iran, attracted the international spotlight in 2006 when he became prime minister of the Palestinian Authority after his movement’s surprise election victory. He has long advocated reconciling the armed struggle with the political struggle in his organization and is said to have cultivated good … Read more

The first batch of Starlink equipment arrived in Kazakhstan

The first batch of Starlink equipment arrived in Kazakhstan

Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Bagdat Musin said that the first 500 sets of Starlink equipment have arrived in Kazakhstan, reports. The minister announced this in his Telegram channel. “I came to Almaty to personally check the process of accepting the equipment. Over the next week, delivery will begin to specific … Read more

Police and Employee Shot at Al-Imam Al-Kazemin City Hospital in Baghdad

Police and Employee Shot at Al-Imam Al-Kazemin City Hospital in Baghdad

2024-01-17T21:51:23+00:00 font Enable Reading Mode A- A A+ Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Health reported, on Thursday, that an armed person opened fire on a policeman and an employee inside Al-Imam Al-Kazemin City Hospital in the capital, Baghdad, before committing suicide. The Ministry issued a clarification today about what happened yesterday at Al-Imam Al-Kazemin … Read more

14th Arab Theater Festival in Baghdad: Performances, Seminars, and Conferences

14th Arab Theater Festival in Baghdad: Performances, Seminars, and Conferences

Baghdad is hosting the fourteenth session of the Arab Theater Festival, organized by the Arab Theater Authority, with performances, seminars and conferences lasting nine days, from the tenth to the eighteenth of January. The media spokesman for the festival, director and author Ghannam Ghannam, introduced the event, which he described as the longest in time, … Read more

US Drone Attack on Baghdad: Iraqi Defense Forces Deputy Head Killed, Iran Twin Bombings, UN and China Condemn Attack

US Drone Attack on Baghdad: Iraqi Defense Forces Deputy Head Killed, Iran Twin Bombings, UN and China Condemn Attack

Baghdad: US drone attack on Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. The deputy head of the Iraqi Defense Forces was killed. Popular Mobilization Force Deputy Chief Mushtaq Talib Al Seiti was killed. The attack targeted a car near the Harakat al-Nujaba militia headquarters. Iraq condemned the attack. The response of the Pentagon is that the action … Read more

Renowned Iraqi Composer Dr. Mufid Al-Nasih Returns to Baghdad After 40 Years

Renowned Iraqi Composer Dr. Mufid Al-Nasih Returns to Baghdad After 40 Years

normal November 9, 2023 16:14 pm Baghdad: Zidane Al-RubaieThe Iraqi composer Dr. returned. Mufid Al-Nasih returns to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, after an exile that lasted 40 years.And Dr. appeared. Mufid Al-Nasih in Baghdad, while attending the reopening of the “People’s” Hall in the capital last Tuesday.It is hoped that the advisor will stay in … Read more

Bear Escapes on Iraqi Airways Flight: Delayed Passengers and Apology from Iraqi Airways

Bear Escapes on Iraqi Airways Flight: Delayed Passengers and Apology from Iraqi Airways

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – A bear that was being transported in the cargo cage escaped on board an Iraqi Airways passenger flight, heading from the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, Friday, causing the flight to be delayed. . Iraqi Airways said in a statement it shared with … Read more