Bingo: The condition of wheat improved due to the rains and some producers resumed refertilization tasks

Bingo: The condition of wheat improved due to the rains and some producers resumed refertilization tasks

In the last week, there was rain distributed over the eastern edge of the Argentine agricultural area, which improved the condition of the wheat crop. According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the area in fair to poor condition in the last week dropped from 16% to 10%. “This improvement in conditions was mainly concentrated … Read more

In just one week, the proportion of the Argentine wheat area in fair to poor condition grew by 160%

In just one week, the proportion of the Argentine wheat area in fair to poor condition grew by 160%

This week, wheat sowing tasks in Argentina ended with a final area of ​​6.3 million hectares and an outlook that is beginning to generate some “yellow lights.” “Although there are still some hectares to be incorporated in the southern sectors of the agricultural area, they would not impact the current estimate,” said a report from … Read more