Here are most of the infected – over 4,000 dead

Here are most of the infected – over 4,000 dead

There are now more than 4.0 in Germany00 positively tested people died – and there is also a new high among the infected. An overview of the current figures. The Corona virus spreads further in Germany. How this happens and how the numbers of infected people are distributed across the federal states can be seen … Read more

Diseases – Stuttgart – Forced vacation? Government Decides on Schools and Day Care Centers – Health

Diseases – Stuttgart – Forced vacation? Government Decides on Schools and Day Care Centers – Health

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, nationwide school closings are now all over Baden-Württemberg until Easter. The cabinet also wants to decide on the kindergartens at a special session on Friday, said a government spokesman. At a special session on Friday afternoon, measures should be decided to … Read more