Extension of November aid: waiting for Brussels

Extension of November aid: waiting for Brussels

Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to extend the emergency aid for companies that have to remain closed due to the partial lockdown. The EU Commission has approved one part, another has yet to be examined. By Matthias Reiche, ARD-Studio Brussels Small grants, bridging aid, loan regulations or economic stabilization funds: the European Commission in … Read more

Corona crisis in New York: restaurants struggle for survival

Corona crisis in New York: restaurants struggle for survival

New York is the epitome of the pulsating big city – but in Corona times it has lost some of its radiance. Hardly anyone goes out in the evening – to the chagrin of the many restaurants. By Antje Passenheim, ARD-Studio New York “I did it!” – He did it. Vincent Lin followed his passion. … Read more

Coronavirus: New York declares Sunday “D-Day”

Coronavirus: New York declares Sunday “D-Day”

According to New York’s Mayor De Blasio, tomorrow, Sunday, will have a decisive signal effect as to whether his city is prepared for what will await it in the corona crisis. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York At least since the beginning of the week a hospital ship of the US Army has anchored in … Read more

Creditors’ meeting: what else can we get from Wirecard?

Creditors’ meeting: what else can we get from Wirecard?

On the first day of the creditors’ meeting in Munich’s Löwenbräukeller, the insolvency administrator reported on the situation at the payment processor Wirecard. Sales proceeds are offset by horrific debts. By Lothar Gries, boerse.ARD.de The large ballroom in Munich’s Löwenbräukeller can usually accommodate up to 3,000 people. In these Corona times, however, it can only … Read more

New US president: New York hopes for “Amtrak-Joe”

New US president: New York hopes for “Amtrak-Joe”

The corona pandemic plunged New York’s economy into deep crisis – the city is bankrupt. No help has come from the incumbent US President Trump so far – the greater are the expectations of his successor Biden. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York The jubilation was not only great in New York’s Times Square when … Read more

China: studying in the USA? Does not have to be

China: studying in the USA?  Does not have to be

For a long time, young people in China should go to study in the USA for at least one semester. Since the corona pandemic, however, more and more people have lost interest in foreign countries. By Steffen Wurzel, ARD-Studio Shanghai Wang Wenquan is studying Marketing in Shanghai. He has a casual apex, a small earring … Read more

Debate about easing: The “Corona winter timetable” comes later

Debate about easing: The “Corona winter timetable” comes later

Loosen or tighten lockdown? Wait. The federal and state governments will probably not decide on the “Corona winter timetable” until November 23. Prime Minister Dreyer concluded in Report from Berlin stricter contact restrictions. By Wenke Börnsen, tagesschau.de The federal and state governments want to draw an interim conclusion at the halfway point of the lockdown … Read more

Kawasaki-like syndrome: New York puzzles over deadly childhood illness

Kawasaki-like syndrome: New York puzzles over deadly childhood illness

After cases in Europe, unusually serious illnesses have now also been found in children in the USA. Symptoms are severe inflammation. It is still unclear whether there is a connection with the coronavirus. By Antje Passenheim, ARD-Studio New York At least 38 boys and girls in New York have an unknown syndrome. Three children died … Read more

Coronavirus in New York: “We are the epicenter of the USA”

Coronavirus in New York: “We are the epicenter of the USA”

The infection rate is also rising in New York – there are currently 30,000 infected people, the number of deaths is almost 300. The authorities are trying to prevent a collapse of the health system. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York Times Square – almost deserted. The Brooklyn Bridge – Tourist Free. The luxury boutiques … Read more

Soup kitchens in New York: “Everyone comes here”

Soup kitchens in New York: “Everyone comes here”

It is estimated that one in four New Yorkers now does not have enough money to eat healthily over the long term. How the pandemic is ramping up hunger and poverty in one of the richest cities in the world. By Peter Mücke, ARD-Studio New York The Masbia Soupkitchen in Flatbush is a mixture of … Read more