Patras: SCHEANA “guaranteed” for controllers at the Carnival – “All observers…”

Patras: SCHEANA “guaranteed” for controllers at the Carnival – “All observers…”

Answers from the control mechanisms and competent bodies of the State, regarding the image presented by Patras during the three days of the Carnival, is now officially requested by the Association of Restaurant and Recreation Managers of Achaia, which met yesterday to assess the situation. In the announcement of SKEANA, it is stated – with … Read more

“Blood is not sold, it is sold at a cost” Seidou Konaté, CEO of CNTS

“Blood is not sold, it is sold at a cost” Seidou Konaté, CEO of CNTS

The National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS) collects blood for the establishment of blood banks. Its mission is to carry out a total analysis and control of the blood collected, ensure the transport of blood throughout the national territory and supply blood products to the various health facilities in the country. In addition, the CNTS manufactures … Read more

Australian Open men’s and women’s tournaments canceled

Australian Open men’s and women’s tournaments canceled

The men’s and women’s Australian Open golf tournaments have been canceled due to travel restrictions linked to the coronavirus pandemic, the Australian federation announced Thursday. “This decision was not taken lightly, but we believe it is the right one under the current circumstances”, said Golf Australia President James Sutherland. “The international factor means disastrous changes … Read more

Gbagbo designs his future party, imbroglio with the former First Lady

Gbagbo designs his future party, imbroglio with the former First Lady

Former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo on Tuesday unveiled the members of a committee tasked with reflecting on the contours of his future party, a list in which appears Simone Gbagbo, the former First Lady who says she is “not very inclined” to join this new training. In the list published Tuesday, Ms. Gbagbo was confined … Read more

the population sensitized on Ebola virus disease

the population sensitized on Ebola virus disease

For him, Ebola is a dangerous disease which, if we are not careful, “can decimate part of the population”. This is why he urged everyone to observe preventive measures in order to avoid its spread. At the end of this meeting, it is question, according to the prefect, of the reactivation of the departmental committee … Read more

ING will apply negative interest rates of 0.5% for large deposits. Who are the affected customers

ING will apply negative interest rates of 0.5% for large deposits.  Who are the affected customers

Negative interest rates will apply both for customers who have more than 100,000 euros in their account, and for business customers, informs Finance newspaper.- According to the quoted source, the representatives of ING Romania transmit that it is only about the clients from the Netherlands, while for the clients from Romania no negative interest rates … Read more

Death of singer Thione Seck, one of the “lords” of Senegalese music

Death of singer Thione Seck, one of the “lords” of Senegalese music

Singer and lyricist Thione Seck, one of the lords of Senegalese music for forty years, died Sunday at the age of 66 in Dakar, we learned from his lawyer, Ousmane Seye. Former singer of the legendary Baobab Orchestra and founder of the group “Raam Daam”, Thione Seck was one of the most famous musicians in … Read more

Ex-board member Jan Marsalek deceived auditors with actors

Ex-board member Jan Marsalek deceived auditors with actors

The business crime at the insolvent Wirecard group goes into the next round: Apparently the ex-board member Jan Marsalek hired actors who are said to have deceived the auditors. It’s about a billion dollar sum. The entanglements of the former Wirecard– Board member Jan Marsalek apparently go much further than previously known. He is even … Read more

The corona crisis hits the consulting industry briefly and violently

The corona crisis hits the consulting industry briefly and violently

The consultant climate surveyed by the Munich Ifo Institute for the Handelsblatt slipped to an all-time low in April. More than 55 percent of the consultants surveyed expected their business situation to deteriorate – for the first time the number of pessimistic voices in the industry outweighed the optimistic ones. But at least: Almost a … Read more

Wirecard bankruptcy: the failure of the auditor

Wirecard bankruptcy: the failure of the auditor

DGermans fell for a huge fraud. Until June 18, Wirecard was considered a beacon of hope for the economy, which had made it into the German share index Dax. The group was worth twelve billion euros. The payment service provider filed for bankruptcy on Thursday. Wirecard is now worth 176 million euros. It is now … Read more