Municipalities are diligently looking for more shelters for Ukrainians

Municipalities are diligently looking for more shelters for Ukrainians

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 07:00 By editors Hugo van der Parre, Rolinde Hoorntje and Ellen Kamphorst. Dutch municipalities are quite happy with the shelter they have provided for Ukrainian refugees, but in some areas things are starting to get complicated. For example, they would like more clarity from the government on long-term care and indicate that … Read more

The minister wants new money for Ukrainian refugees – politics

The minister wants new money for Ukrainian refugees – politics

Bang effect around Ukrainian refugees in Austria. Social Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) calls for them to be included in social assistance. In Austria, Ukrainian refugees are covered by basic services. This varies according to the federal state and the type of accommodation, private or organized. Let’s take the example of Tyrol: there, with private accommodation, … Read more

Italy should have taken back the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing at the Balkbrug institute

Italy should have taken back the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing at the Balkbrug institute

Metro news agency ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 4.40pm State Secretary Van der Burg (Asilo) says a fatal stabbing at Balkbrug in Overijssel would not have occurred if Italy had joined the European asylum agreements. If the man had been taken back from the country where he had first submitted his asylum application, according to the agreements in force, … Read more

France: completed the disembarkation of migrants, the Ocean Viking has left Toulon

France: completed the disembarkation of migrants, the Ocean Viking has left Toulon

The humanitarian ship Ocean Viking, chartered by the NGO SOS Méditerranée, left the military port of Toulon (south of France), the disembarkation of the 230 migrants on board having ended on Friday evening, the prefecture told AFP in the Var on Saturday. Before leaving the coast of Libya, the ship will stop for a few … Read more

Kindergarten Younger Brother’s Surrogate Brother Broke and Cried After “I Can’t Teach Younger Brother” Lesson | INTERNATIONAL | CTWANT

Kindergarten Younger Brother’s Surrogate Brother Broke and Cried After “I Can’t Teach Younger Brother” Lesson |  INTERNATIONAL |  CTWANT

The deep brotherhood almost turned into a wall of brothers. A kindergarten child in Hubei, mainland China, learned that his brother was sick and could not go to school, so he took the initiative to replace his brother with distance learning. How was I to know that my brother would not be able to teach … Read more

US intelligence reveals the secret of Russia’s use of Iranian and North Korean weapons

US intelligence reveals the secret of Russia’s use of Iranian and North Korean weapons

Al-Marsad Newspaper: US National Intelligence Director Avril Haynes explained that Russia is firing its precision ammunition at an “unsustainable rate,” which has made it dependent on lower-capacity weapons and technological aids. “Russia has entered the war with a huge supply of ammunition, but it is firing at it at a speed it cannot afford, and … Read more

Utrecht and Amsterdam worried about the increase in homelessness: ‘All the red signals’

Utrecht and Amsterdam worried about the increase in homelessness: ‘All the red signals’

ANP In collaboration with NH News News from the NOS•yesterday, 21:10 Utrecht and Amsterdam are concerned about the increase in the number of homeless people. The councilors for the reception of the two municipalities therefore ask for the intervention of the cabinet. In a joint letter to the House of Representatives, Councilor Streefland of Utrecht … Read more