Exoplanet WASP-69b Losing Atmosphere in Vast Comet-Like Tail, Intriguing Astronomers

Exoplanet WASP-69b Losing Atmosphere in Vast Comet-Like Tail, Intriguing Astronomers

Thursday, January 18 2024 – 08:08 WIB Jakarta – A comet-like planet outside our solar system is losing more of its atmosphere in its vast tail than previously thought, intriguing astronomers and raising new questions about how planets coevolve with their parent stars. Reported LIVE Techno from SpaceThursday, January 18 2024, Exoplanet WASP-69b, a hot, … Read more

2024 Skywatchers’ Guide: Total Solar Eclipse, Meteor Showers, and More Spectacular Astronomical Events

2024 Skywatchers’ Guide: Total Solar Eclipse, Meteor Showers, and More Spectacular Astronomical Events

BorneoFlash.com, JAKARTA – Good news for sky watchers, namely that they will get a surprise in 2024. A series of natural phenomena will decorate the night sky and you can watch them. Highlights that will captivate hundreds of millions of people include a Total Solar Eclipse and a spectacular meteor shower. In countries further from … Read more

Legendary Czech Astronomer Luboš Kohoutek Passes Away at 88: A Look at His Remarkable Achievements

Legendary Czech Astronomer Luboš Kohoutek Passes Away at 88: A Look at His Remarkable Achievements

One of the most famous Czech astronomers, Luboš Kohoutek, has died. He was 88 years old. During his life, he received numerous awards and made the Czech Republic famous in the world. He discovered 75 asteroids and five comets. One of them was even named after him. In 1970 he emigrated to Germany. The legendary … Read more

University of Florida Research Team Discovers Mysterious Cloud ‘The Brick’ Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

University of Florida Research Team Discovers Mysterious Cloud ‘The Brick’ Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Jakarta – A research team from the University of Florida discovered the mysterious cloud using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This cloud, called G0.253+0.016, is so dark and dense that it is nicknamed The Brick. The Brick is one of the many thick molecular clouds located at the Center of the Milky Way. These … Read more

Astromon Discovers Solar Aurora Formed from Radio Waves

Astromon Discovers Solar Aurora Formed from Radio Waves

SOLOPOS.COM – Illustration. aurora on earth. (Freepik) Solopos.com, JAKARTA – Radio waves around the sun have formed “auroras” like on earth. Scientists have seen a stunning “aurora-like” display of crackling radio waves over the surface of the sun that is very similar to the Northern Lights on Earth. The solar light show occurs roughly 25,000 … Read more

NASA Mars Mission Delayed: Solar Conjunction Causes Pause in Missions

NASA Mars Mission Delayed: Solar Conjunction Causes Pause in Missions

CNN Indonesia Thursday, 23 Nov 2023 10:51 WIB Illustration. NASA has temporarily suspended all missions to the planet Mars until November 25 2023. (Photo: Screenshot of esa.int web) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) pauses the entire mission in Planet Mars. Check out the reasons. This temporary cessation of missions … Read more

International Scientists Discover Brown Star Emitting Extreme Heat

International Scientists Discover Brown Star Emitting Extreme Heat

Wednesday, 15 November 2023 – 19:30 WIB Gadget– International scientists recently discovered a brown star that emits heat far exceeding the heat emitted by the sun. This brown star is located about 1,400 light years from Earth. This discovery was made by an international team of astronomers led by astrophysicist Na’ama Hallakoun from the Weizmann … Read more

Discovering Atomic Oxygen on Venus: A Comparison with Earth’s Atmosphere

Discovering Atomic Oxygen on Venus: A Comparison with Earth’s Atmosphere

Jakarta – A team of astronomers from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) succeeded in detecting the oxygen atomic content on the planet Venus. However, these oxygen atoms are different from those on Earth. What is the difference? The team led by Heinz Wilhelm Hubers studied data from the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) flying … Read more

NASA Discovers Seven New Planets Hotter Than the Sun

NASA Discovers Seven New Planets Hotter Than the Sun

SOLOPOS.COM – Illustration tata surya. (Freepik) Solopos.com, JAKARTA – Astronomers discovered seven new planets that are very hot. It is estimated that this planet is hotter than the sun. Astronomers, using data obtained from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, have identified seven planets orbiting a star in the Milky Way galaxy. The seven planets are roasted … Read more

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope: Discovery of 7 Planets Around Star Kepler-385

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – In our solar system, the small rocky Mercury is planet which orbits closest to the sun, which is constantly baked by solar radiation that is seven times more intense than what we experience on Earth. Astronomers using data obtained from NASA’s now-defunct Kepler space telescope have identified seven planets orbiting a star … Read more