Chinese Companies Bring Warmth and Hope: Aid for Afghan People’s Eid al-Adha Holiday Supplies

Chinese Companies Bring Warmth and Hope: Aid for Afghan People’s Eid al-Adha Holiday Supplies

original title: Newsletter: Thanks to China’s aid for bringing warmth and hope——Reporting on Chinese companies’ aid for Afghan people’s Eid al-Adha holiday supplies Xinhua News Agency, Pul Alam, Afghanistan, June 27th Xinhua News Agency reporter Zou Xuemian Zhao Jiasong In Logar Province in eastern Afghanistan, local villager Shah Aqa drove a donkey to transport the … Read more

The Illusion of Demilitarization: Russia’s Claims versus Reality in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The Illusion of Demilitarization: Russia’s Claims versus Reality in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Title: Russia Claims “Demilitarization” of Ukraine Goal Achieved, but Reality Remains Uncertain Date: June 24, 2023 The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been ongoing for an extended period, leaving many wondering when it will come to an end. Russia, however, recently announced that it has achieved its original goal of “demilitarizing” Ukraine. While this statement may suggest … Read more

SCP study finds flaws in the Participation Act’s focus on paid work for welfare recipients

SCP study finds flaws in the Participation Act’s focus on paid work for welfare recipients

09 jun 2023 om 05:08 The Participation Act, which has been governing social assistance since 2015, focuses too much on paid work. As a result, welfare recipients do not always receive sufficient help with their problems, concludes the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP) in a new study. The main aim of the law is … Read more

Germany asks Switzerland to sell some stored Leopard 2 tanks to make up for gap in arms aid – yqqlm

Germany asks Switzerland to sell some stored Leopard 2 tanks to make up for gap in arms aid – yqqlm

Original title: Germany asked Switzerland to sell part of the sealed Leopard 2 tanks to make up for the gap caused by weapons aid Germany has asked Switzerland to sell it partially mothballed Leopard 2 tanks, a deal that could allow Germany and other countries to increase military aid to Ukraine, the Swiss government said. … Read more