Russia Annoys US Abandoning Guns in Afghanistan

loading… NEW YORK – Minister of Foreign Affairs Russia Sergey Lavrov criticized the team’s withdrawal United States of America (USA) from Afghanistan which he judged hastily. He said the withdrawal was carried out without analyzing the repercussions and left a large amount of military equipment behind in the country. “Apparently, we all need to ensure … Read more

Withdrawal of US Troops Poses Problems for Russia

loading… MOSCOW – President Russia Vladimir Putin criticize United States of America (USA) and its allies for leaving Afghanistan . Putin said the withdrawal could create problems for Russia and its allies. “There is a danger that terrorists and different groups that find refuge in Afghanistan will use the chaos left by our Western counterparts … Read more

All Ethnic Groups Support Taliban Government

loading… ACCEPTANCE – Former Prime Minister (PM) Afghanistan Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said a future Taliban-led government in Afghanistan would have the support of all ethnic groups. “Such a government can stop further bloodshed in Afghanistan and steer the war-torn country out of the current crisis,” he said in an interview with Pakistan’s state news agency, APP. … Read more

Afghanistan’s army chief sacked as the Taliban go wild

loading… ACCEPT – Military Commander Afghanistan General Wali Mohammad Ahmadzai was sacked as Taliban insurgents continued to make rapid progress by capturing more of the provincial capital. The insurgents have taken control of 10 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals and are now moving closer to the nation’s capital, Kabul. On Thursday (12/8) the Taliban seized … Read more

The Taliban is getting more and more rampant, seizing the capital of Afghanistan’s sixth province

loading… ACCEPT – Taliban has captured the sixth province in Afghanistan in just four days. The rebel group is increasingly confident in its ability to seize government territory. A spokesman for the Taliban armed group early Monday sent a message to the media, claiming it had captured Aibak, the capital of the northern province of … Read more

Withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan is a Mistake, Could Danger Europe

loading… LONDON – Richard Barrons, former head of the Joint Forces Command English, mentions the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan as a “strategic mistake”. He warned that this could harm Europe. Speaking during an interview with the BBC, the British general said he did not believe that the troop withdrawal was in line with … Read more

UK Defense Secretary Criticizes US-Taliban Deal, Condemns Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan

loading… LONDON – Defense Minister English , Ben Wallace criticizes the deal United States of America (USA) and Taliban . He also condemned the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. Wallace claims that “nearly all” NATO member states are not interested in Britain’s call to stay in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of US troops from … Read more

Watch Video of Taliban Cheering on Humvees After Capture of Zaranj

loading… ZARANJ – Taliban militants are seen parading aboard a number of US-made Humvees after capturing a major city in Nimroz province, Afghanistan . Video footage shows the first capital city to fall to the Taliban during a wave of attacks in Afghanistan. Militants were seen holding a victory march by circling the city of … Read more

The Taliban has reportedly killed 900 people in Kandahar

loading… ACCEPT – The Taliban group has massacred up to about 900 people in the southern province of Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the past six weeks. local media, TOLO News, reporting on the massacre citing the former provincial police chief; Tadin Khan. Also read: Afghan Special Forces Execute 38 Taliban Who Want to Raid Prisons According … Read more

Afghan Special Forces Execute 38 Taliban Who Want to Raid Prisons

loading… ACCEPT – Military special forces Afghanistan has killed 38 members of the group Taliban and injured two others when the group tried to storm a prison in the southwestern city of Lashkar Gah. The deadly battle was conveyed by Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Fawad Aman, Monday (2/8/2021). Also read: Taliban War in Afghanistan: Bombs … Read more