The Success of Elham Wagdy: From Miss Egypt to Award-Winning Actress

The Success of Elham Wagdy: From Miss Egypt to Award-Winning Actress

normal The title of Miss Egypt benefited her November 13, 2023 23:18 pm Cairo: Hossam AbbasThe artist and former Miss Egypt, Elham Wagdy, appeared last Ramadan in the comedy series “Expedited Reveal” with Mostafa Khater and Mohamed Abdel Rahman, during which she presented the character of “Li Li,” the boxing player who caught attention, and … Read more

The Cuban Government extends the obligation to operate with bank accounts to farmers and artists

The Cuban Government extends the obligation to operate with bank accounts to farmers and artists

Food producers will be required to have and declare a fiscal bank account in Cuba through which they must carry out all operations related to their activity, a measure that also affects artists and intellectuals, communicators, usufructuaries of state lands, owners of agricultural land and landless livestock keepers. Any repair, maintenance, purchase of equipment and … Read more

Controversial Film “Border” by Agnieszka Hollandová Sparks Debate on Treatment of Migrants at Polish-Belarusian Border

Controversial Film “Border” by Agnieszka Hollandová Sparks Debate on Treatment of Migrants at Polish-Belarusian Border

27.10.2023 19:54 | Monitoring According to journalists Barbora Koukalová and Petr Konečný, the film Border by Polish director Agnieszka Hollandová, which shows viewers how migrants should have been brutally treated on the Polish-Belarusian border, has a clear message: “Those who guard the borders are beasts, animals.” According to Hollandová, of them in the film, for … Read more

Organizing Your Home: Clever Tips and Tricks for a Clutter-Free Space

Organizing Your Home: Clever Tips and Tricks for a Clutter-Free Space

Proper organization of space in the house is something for which you can turn to professionals. Or arm yourself with ingenuity and think through everything yourself. The main thing is to overcome your inner Plyushkin and not be afraid to part with unnecessary things. And how to quickly calculate such things, read at the end … Read more

International Parquet Exhibition at Reunification Square: A Fascinating Collection of Wood Art in Krefeld

International Parquet Exhibition at Reunification Square: A Fascinating Collection of Wood Art in Krefeld

“Excuse me, do you have a piece of parquet for me?” Some people in Krefeld have heard this unusual question in the past few weeks. Cabinets or chests, doors or boards were also popular. Mainly wood. Stefanie Klingemann collects for her “International Parquet”. And the artist wants to move this to the Reunification Square in … Read more

The Casa del Teatro: A Home for Retired Artists and a Symbol of Art Deco Beauty

The Casa del Teatro: A Home for Retired Artists and a Symbol of Art Deco Beauty

Many discovered the Casa del Teatro when (a few days ago) Jorge Martínez, the heartthrob of La Extraña Dama, moved there. But he has an 85-year history and today hosts 30 retired artists. Ricardo Bauleo, Laura Bove, María Graña or Joe Rígoli are just some of the stars that once walked through its halls. The … Read more

Cuban artists from the Island and from exile, gathered at the Trigueros festival, in Spain

Cuban artists from the Island and from exile, gathered at the Trigueros festival, in Spain

The Interactivo group, led by Roberto Carcassés, closed this saturday the festival CubaCulture, which for nine years has been taking place in Trigueros, in the Spanish province of Huelva. Its tenth edition, inaugurated on August 22 and dedicated to Cuban music, included performances by singer-songwriter Carlos Varela and pianist Ernan Lopez-Nussain addition to other activities, … Read more

Hypermusic: The Transformation of the Music Industry in the Digital Age

Hypermusic: The Transformation of the Music Industry in the Digital Age

In the last three years, artificial intelligences -AI- have composed songs that simulate the voices of deceased musicians, such as Kurt Cobain, Freddie Mercury, Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison; although also from living artists such as Drake and Frank Ocean, who denounced cases of plagiarism at the time, something as common today as an attempted … Read more

Controversial Statements about Cancer and Freedom of Speech: Interview with Actor Jaroslav Dušek

Controversial Statements about Cancer and Freedom of Speech: Interview with Actor Jaroslav Dušek

Questionnaire Does it bother you when you can’t pay for goods or services with a card? voted: 22507 people The explosive interview of the actor Jaroslav Dušek with the moderator Čestmír Strakatý was overshadowed mainly by the part in which Dušek talked about cancer and how the moderator himself he later remarkedharsh criticism came after … Read more

Joey Montana Reveals Reason Behind Music Hiatus and Record Label Disassociation

Joey Montana Reveals Reason Behind Music Hiatus and Record Label Disassociation

Joey Montana, a Panamanian artist, revealed the reason why he has not released music for approximately two years, the reason, he was in the process of disassociating himself from his record label. Because he constantly asks why he has not released or when he is going to release music, the interpreter of “La Melodía” made … Read more