An outbreak of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in Italy is linked to unpasteurized cheese and milk from infected cows. The One Health approach was critical for managing the outbreak.

An outbreak of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in Italy is linked to unpasteurized cheese and milk from infected cows. The One Health approach was critical for managing the outbreak.

A severe outbreak of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus (SEZ) has been reported in Italy, linked to the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. The outbreak was first identified in early 2023, with cases rapidly increasing and spreading across the country. In this article, we delve into the details of this outbreak, exploring the origins of the … Read more

“Ways to Prevent Oral Health Implications of Rheumatoid Arthritis”

“Ways to Prevent Oral Health Implications of Rheumatoid Arthritis”

Written by Mervat Rashad Thursday, March 16, 2023 08:00 PM Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes pain in the joints, which occurs when the joints malfunction immune system It targets the synovial membrane, which is the lining of the joints. The condition usually affects the same joint on both sides of the body, such as both hands … Read more

55 to 65 years old is the “critical period” of life expectancy 5 kinds of diseases (group photo) stroke | Alzheimer | arthritis | heart disease | cancer | emotion |

55 to 65 years old is the “critical period” of life expectancy 5 kinds of diseases (group photo) stroke | Alzheimer | arthritis | heart disease | cancer | emotion |

pay attentionmoodManagement, getting along with friends more, and staying optimistic can prolong life. (Image source: Adobe Stock) See Chinese websites prohibit the establishment of mirror sites. 55 to 65 years old islifeDuring the critical period, during these 10 years, many diseases may break out, some of which may even be life-threatening. Therefore, in the 10 … Read more

55 to 65 years old is the “critical period” of life expectancy 5 diseases

55 to 65 years old is the “critical period” of life expectancy 5 diseases

pay attentionmoodManagement, getting along with friends more, and staying optimistic can prolong life. (Image source: Adobe Stock) 55 to 65 years old islifeDuring the critical period, during these 10 years, many diseases may break out, some of which may even be life-threatening. Therefore, in the 10 years between the ages of 55 and 65, you … Read more

What happens to your body when you walk every day? Health and psychological benefits

What happens to your body when you walk every day?  Health and psychological benefits

Posted by Enas Al-Banna Friday, February 10, 2023 09:00 AM How much should you walk each day? Can walking help lose weight? What are the benefits of walking every day? In the following lines, we understand the basics.WalkingHow does it help you in your daily life? Health benefits of walking daily according to the site … Read more

[콕!건강]Stiff every morning… Winter Rheumatoid Arthritis Warning – Asia Economy

[콕!건강]Stiff every morning…  Winter Rheumatoid Arthritis Warning – Asia Economy

rheumatoid arthritis. japchae [아시아경제 이관주 기자] Rheumatoid arthritis, one of the representative autoimmune diseases, is also called a ‘mother’s disease’ because it affects more women than men and patients after middle age. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients treated for rheumatoid arthritis in 2021 is three times that … Read more

4 reasons for hand cramps.. How to protect yourself?

4 reasons for hand cramps.. How to protect yourself?

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Some people suffer from hand cramps, especially in the winter season, which cause anxiety and tension for fear of a serious health problem in the body, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist doctor to avoid any complications. In the following report, The Consulto looks at all things hand … Read more