10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

Jakarta – A member of an organization that operates in the field of fossil hunting, Fossil Junkies Dig and Dive Charters, managed to find ancient animal fossils in the Peace River near the city of Arcadia in Florida. John Kreatsoulas, initially thought that the fossil was an ordinary log. However, when he checked again, he … Read more

Discovery of Jormungandr Fossil: New Species of Mosasaur Revealed

Discovery of Jormungandr Fossil: New Species of Mosasaur Revealed

Wednesday, 8 November 2023 – 16:08 WIB VIVA Tekno – In Europe there is Norse mythology where the wild beast Jormungandr lives to destroy the Nine Worlds. Last week, scientists discovered traces of its existence. Jormungandr walhallaensis, that’s what scientists named it. Reporting from The NY Times, Wednesday, November 8 2023, an animal that lived … Read more

Sensational Discovery in Turkey: Archaeologists Uncover Possible Noah’s Ark Site

Sensational Discovery in Turkey: Archaeologists Uncover Possible Noah’s Ark Site

Archaeologists in Turkey made a sensational discovery. It definitely rewrites history. During a large-scale excavation of a geological site, archaeologists discovered ruins that they believed resembled Noah’s Ark. This research, conducted by the Mount Ararat and Noah’s Ark Research Team, is a collaboration between three Turkish and American universities that will begin in 2021. Their … Read more

Archaeological Excavations Unearth Ancient Skeletons in Groningen’s Grote Markt

Archaeological Excavations Unearth Ancient Skeletons in Groningen’s Grote Markt

Oct 17, 2023 at 6:18 PM Update: 24 minutes ago Two skeletons of more than a thousand years old were found during archaeological excavations on the Grote Markt in Groningen. The bones probably date from the eighth or ninth century. The municipality found the skeletons during excavations because the sewerage system in the center is … Read more

Rare Skeletons Unearthed During Excavations on Grote Markt in Groningen

Rare Skeletons Unearthed During Excavations on Grote Markt in Groningen

Oct 17, 2023 at 6:18 PM Update: 24 minutes ago Two skeletons of more than a thousand years old were found during archaeological excavations on the Grote Markt in Groningen. The bones probably date from the eighth or ninth century. The municipality found the skeletons during excavations because the sewerage system in the center is … Read more

The Victoria and Albert Museum Exhibition: Ancient Egyptian Coptic Socks – A Glimpse into 5th Century Fashion

The Victoria and Albert Museum Exhibition: Ancient Egyptian Coptic Socks – A Glimpse into 5th Century Fashion

The Victoria and Albert Museum in London hosted an exhibition of antiquities, one of the main exhibits being the original Egyptian Coptic socks. Their lovely shade of pink and peach and comfortable fit give a glimpse of 5th century Egyptian fashion. Baked socks are not only a fashion accessory, but also an amazing example of … Read more

Residents participate in backyard excavation to uncover Roman city in Heerlen

Residents participate in backyard excavation to uncover Roman city in Heerlen

NOSArchaeological research on a small scale in a backyard in Heerlen NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 09:43 Residents of Heerlen will join the dig this weekend at a special archaeological location: together in each other’s backyard. Current Heerlen was built on the remains of the Roman city of Coriovallum. In an attempt to discover more about the boundaries … Read more

Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny Marks Harrison Ford’s Final Act as the Iconic Hero

Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny Marks Harrison Ford’s Final Act as the Iconic Hero

One of the biggest blockbusters in the world, the Indiana Jones series has reached its fifth film: Dial of Destiny. Fifteen years later, the film marks the grand return of one of the most popular characters in Hollywood history. Harrison Ford was and still is the hero of this Steven Spielberg film. Ford was in … Read more

Archaeologists Discover 2,000-Year-Old Ancestor to Italian Pizza in Pompeii Ruins

Archaeologists Discover 2,000-Year-Old Ancestor to Italian Pizza in Pompeii Ruins

Archaeologists have discovered a mural in the Roman ruined city of Pompeii depicting a dish that resembles an Italian pizza. The archaeologists think the pictured meal could be a 2,000-year-old “ancestor” to pizza, writes BBC News. The painting was found in the hallway of a house next to a bakery. In addition to the bakery’s … Read more