700,000 year old “human remains” found

700,000 year old “human remains” found

Wellington (dpa) Scientists have found rare fossils of early humans on the Indonesian island of Flores, including the limb bone of a “very small” adult, dating back around 700,000 years. The spine in Liang Bua Cave on the west side of the island is believed to belong to one of the first people of the … Read more

Entry to the Maya Prepare station is modified to protect pre-Hispanic buildings

Entry to the Maya Prepare station is modified to protect pre-Hispanic buildings

Mexico Metropolis. As a part of the efforts to safeguard and protect the archaeological discoveries ensuing from the development of the Mayan Prepare, the Ministries of Tradition and Nationwide Protection (Sedena) agreed to change the unique design of the entry street to the Nicolás Bravo/Kohunlich station of the Mayan Prepare, in its part 7, to … Read more