PVV Leader Geert Wilders Calls for Army Deployment to Combat Asylum Seeker Nuisance in Groningen Village

ANPPVV leader Wilders visiting the Groningen village of Ter Apel where there is a registration center NOS News•today, 17:39 PVV leader Geert Wilders wants to deploy the army against the nuisance caused by a group of asylum seekers from the application center in Ter Apel. Wilders called the increasing nuisance “unbearable” during a visit to … Read more

The mayor of Groningen is concerned about the candidate center Ter Apel

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 20:59 Groningen Mayor Koen Schuiling is concerned about the Ter Apel enforcement center. “We have not yet created more reception places and no more recording centers”, he says in the Radio 1 non-profit program This is the day. At the moment it is quiet in Ter Apel, but in the summer hundreds … Read more

Part of the IND application center in Ter Apel evacuated due to an unknown substance | inland

A building belonging to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) in Ter Apel was partially evacuated on Monday afternoon as an unknown substance was found. The substance is still under investigation. The evacuation is a precaution, says an IND spokesman. The IND cannot say what kind of substance it is. “He will have arrived in … Read more

The ministry deploys road carriages against the annoyance of Ter Apel asylum seekers

ANP In collaboration with RTV North News from the NOS•today, 10:38 In Ter Apel, from Monday, four road buses will be deployed to prevent the inconvenience of asylum seekers. This is a trial of the Ministry of Justice and Security, which also bears the costs. Ter Apel residents are experiencing nuisance from asylum seekers from … Read more

Reception for asylum seekers in Zwolle within a few hours, group also in Zoutkamp

– ANP – In collaboration with RTV North —- News from the NOS•yesterday, 23:38 — This night 170 asylum seekers from Ter Apel were transferred to an emergency reception center in Zwolle. The shelter was prepared in the IJsselhallen in a few hours, at the request of the cabinet. – In addition, 100 asylum seekers … Read more

The mother of the deceased child Ter Apel calls a lawyer to obtain the autopsy report

– ANP – News from the NOS•yesterday, 22:10 — The mother of the child who died in Ter Apel at the end of August does not resign herself to conclusion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office that there is no indication of a crime. With the help of attorney Richard Korver, he wants to get his … Read more

Ministry refused support from the foundation for shelters for asylum seekers Ter Apel | NOW

Because June, the Ministry of Justice and Protection has refused enable from a foundation that available to welcome susceptible children and asylum seekers into churches close to the Ter Apel application centre. Because the ministry refused such support, these people had to snooze outside the application middle, the investigate system reports Pointer Sunday. “We have … Read more

Ter Apel place closed to most unregistered asylum seekers

– ANP – News from the NOS•nowadays, 16:15•Modified today, 20:57 — A new crisis ordinance was issued in Ter Apel this afternoon banning most unregistered asylum seekers from entering or bypassing the software center. With the unexpected emergency regulation, the stability area would like to reduce people from remaining unnecessarily extended at the registration middle … Read more

Youngsters without mother and father at the Ter Apel shelter are more and more at chance | NOW

Youngsters who fled to the Netherlands with no moms and dads encounter protection and health and fitness challenges at the Ter Apel reception middle, inspection expert services documented Friday to Secretary of Condition Eric van der Burg (Asylum). The inspectors wrote a letter about it in June and now conclude that the condition has only … Read more