Actress “Fouz” settles the controversy and reveals the identity of the woman who appeared with Al-Sadhan • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Actress “Fouz” settles the controversy and reveals the identity of the woman who appeared with Al-Sadhan • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The actress, “Fouz Al-Abdullah”, settled the controversy over the identity of the woman who appeared with the artist Abdullah Al-Sadhan at the Joy Awards. And “Al-Abdullah” said, which she published on her account with the “Tik Tok” application: “Many people sat fatwas from their heads, so I wanted to clarify so that there … Read more

She appeared in just a jacket, no clothes.. Lamita Franjieh, with a look that broke the taboo! (photo)

She appeared in just a jacket, no clothes.. Lamita Franjieh, with a look that broke the taboo!  (photo)

Supermodel Lamita Franjieh posted new photos on her Instagram account. Lamita appeared looking very bold, and some felt that she crossed the taboo, as she wore only a shiny embroidered “jacket”, with no clothes underneath. A post shared by Lamitta Frangieh (@lamittafrangieh) There have been comments from followers who have praised Lamita’s femininity and beauty, … Read more

Banten Beat – Makes you excited! NASA Mars Robot Says Goodbye Phrases Before ‘Death’

Banten Beat – Makes you excited!  NASA Mars Robot Says Goodbye Phrases Before ‘Death’ TECHNOLOGY — A robot from the US space agency NASA called InSight recently uploaded a tweet that was enough to attract the attention of netizens. InSight or short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations wrote its last message before the robot “died”. “I am low on energy so this may be the last photo … Read more

Tables are taken out of the cafe – Kommersant Newspaper No. 235 (7436) of 12/19/2022

Tables are taken out of the cafe – Kommersant Newspaper No.  235 (7436) of 12/19/2022

Signs of a serious crisis have appeared on the restaurant market: more and more establishments are closing and, on the contrary, fewer new ones appear. As a result, the total number of stores in the fourth quarter decreased by more than 10%. According to experts and market participants, the reason was the difficulty in purchasing … Read more

Infected with serious diseases.. Beware of eating potatoes if this sign appears on them! • Journal of the Observatory

Infected with serious diseases.. Beware of eating potatoes if this sign appears on them!  • Journal of the Observatory

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The head of the Committee for Food Safety in Egypt, Dr. Sherine Zaki warned against eating potatoes that contain green spots. He explained that the green color is chlorophyll, which the plant uses to perform photosynthesis to produce its food, and it is a substance that does not harm health, but it is … Read more