Strange Bubbles on Ocean Floor: Omen of the Apocalypse Linked to San Andreas Fault and Hayward Fault

Strange Bubbles on Ocean Floor: Omen of the Apocalypse Linked to San Andreas Fault and Hayward Fault

The San Andreas Fault is a shear fault that has a length of 1,300 km. This fault forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. PHOTOS/ LIVE SCIENCE CALIFORNIA – Scientists found strange bubbles on the ocean floor near Earth’s fracture off the Pacific coast of the US and Canada. … Read more

“The 5 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe”

“The 5 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe”

Jakarta – The universe is shrouded in mystery. No matter how much science reveals about the universe, there always seems to be more to discover. Plus, as science and technology advances, our understanding of the universe will change. It is possible that the answers to questions about the universe that are currently being questioned a … Read more

Devastating Consequences Await If The Rotation of the Earth Ceases

Devastating Consequences Await If The Rotation of the Earth Ceases

Bandung – The Earth rotates on its axis at a very fast rate. However, what would happen if the earth stopped rotating? Does that mean humans will meet doomsday? Quoted from detikInet, Jacco van Loon, an astronomer from Keele University, answered this question. Launch Space, Monday (27/3/2023) he explained that it is almost impossible to … Read more

Rogue Planet Can Cause Earth to Experience Doomsday

Rogue Planet Can Cause Earth to Experience Doomsday

Saturday, March 11 2023 – 16:02 WIB LIVE Techno – The presence of an extra planet in our Solar System caused by Mars and Jupiter can disrupt the orbit and will make the end of life on Earth. This is the conclusion of experimental simulations conducted by planetary astrophysicist Stephen Kane of the University of … Read more

The Apocalypse of Cellphones, Is It Really or Just a Bluff?

The Apocalypse of Cellphones, Is It Really or Just a Bluff?

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 – 16:02 WIB LIVE Techno – The word ‘doomsday’ is being widely discussed by the public. After the Doomsday Hour or The Doomsday Clock some time ago, now appears the term smart phone or smartphone doomsday. This was revealed by the Chief Executive of Nokia Pekka Lundmark. As is known, having … Read more

scientists named the best countries for survival

scientists named the best countries for survival

New Zealand and Australia topped the list of regions with the highest chances of surviving any disaster, including nuclear winter. Scientists have conducted a study and identified the best countries where you can survive a nuclear apocalypse. They presented the rating in an article published in the journal Risk Analysis. The best countries to survive … Read more

AI Technology Reveals the Last Human Face when the Apocalypse Happens

AI Technology Reveals the Last Human Face when the Apocalypse Happens

loading… The last human face during the Apocalypse was shared on TikTok. PHOTOS/ THE SUN LONDON – A gruesome image generated by artificial intelligence (AI) technology reveals the prediction of the last human face on Earth or when Doomsday happen. ALSO READ – When will the Doomsday Happen, Here’s the Theory of Harvard University Physicists … Read more

Scientists build a poop warehouse to save humans from the apocalypse of extinction

Scientists build a poop warehouse to save humans from the apocalypse of extinction

Loading… Currently, the microbiome warehouse started by Adrian Egli has received 3,000 samples. Photo/IST JAKARTA – Some scientists build special warehouses full of human excrement from all over the world that can be used to bring humans back from the brink extinction . The warehouse, called The Microbiota Vault, accepts all feces or excrement from … Read more

horrified! This planet of the apocalypse describes the future of the Earth

horrified!  This planet of the apocalypse describes the future of the Earth

Jakarta – One of the two planet the first to be discovered outside our Solar System, trapped in a death spiral that will inevitably end up crashing into its own Sun. So says NASA on the tragic ending exoplanet the. The planet is called Kepler-1658 b, 2,571 light-years away. Scientists say its gruesome fate could … Read more