Entering the LEZ with your German Tesla, but still a fine? Antwerp is considering solving this with AI

Entering the LEZ with your German Tesla, but still a fine?  Antwerp is considering solving this with AI

low emission zone The city of Antwerp is getting a boost from foreign drivers with an electric car. Many of them receive a fine if they enter the low-emission zone (LEZ), even if their vehicle does not emit any harmful substances. The city is looking to AI to solve that problem, recognizing vehicles instead of … Read more

Antwerp city poets hold benefit auction: “Good start, but not enough for two more years of city poetry”

Antwerp city poets hold benefit auction: “Good start, but not enough for two more years of city poetry”

reportage city ​​poets The benefit auction took place at the Bernaerts auction house. — © Sebastian Steveniers A benefiet­auction with special objects from twenty years of Antwerp’s city poetry raised 6,860 euros. “For full-fledged urban poetry, resources of a different order of magnitude are needed.” To financially support the city poetship, the Antwerp city poets, … Read more

Juvenile judges in Antwerp can now impose ankle bracelets on young delinquents

Juvenile judges in Antwerp can now impose ankle bracelets on young delinquents

Crime Juvenile judges in Antwerp will soon be able to impose an ankle bracelet on young delinquents. The Flemish government has decided that. The pilot project will be rolled out across Flanders after a year if there is a positive evaluation. In the coming months, the judges of the Antwerp youth court will be able … Read more

Three port employees caught while removing cocaine in the port of Antwerp

Three port employees caught while removing cocaine in the port of Antwerp

Drugs Three suspects were caught at the MPET terminal in the port of Antwerp on Monday evening during the removal of a shipment of cocaine. They were arrested by the investigating judge. Joris van der Aa, Jarit Taelman and Sacha Van Wiele Today at 08:06 Around 9 p.m. a number of suspicious people were seen … Read more

Difficult morning rush hour in Antwerp: three lanes closed on Merksem viaduct after accident

Difficult morning rush hour in Antwerp: three lanes closed on Merksem viaduct after accident

Traffic The morning rush hour from the north of Antwerp was particularly difficult on Wednesday, after a collision between two trucks on the Antwerp ring road towards Ghent. According to the Flemish Traffic Center, two trucks collided on the Merksem viaduct, forcing the closure of three lanes. This meant that all traffic could only use … Read more

Several injured after fight in Antwerp prison

Several injured after fight in Antwerp prison

Prison system Several people were injured in a serious fight in the overcrowded prison in Antwerp’s Begijnenstraat on Tuesday afternoon. The incident in Begijnenstraat took place on Tuesday during the walk. According to reliable sources within the prison system, the incident started after several objects were thrown over the prison wall, the Gazet van Antwerpen … Read more

Antwerp will build a grandstand after all (without agreement with landowner Mintjens)

Antwerp will build a grandstand after all (without agreement with landowner Mintjens)

Football Antwerp Football Club and chairman Paul Gheysens are working concretely on the construction of grandstand 2 – preferably within two years. There is no agreement with landowner Tania Mintjens, but the club has a building right until 2052, with the option to extend it for another fifty years. Antwerp wants to build a new … Read more

Ejuke van Antwerp counts out Cercle Brugge with the ball from a very sharp angle

Ejuke van Antwerp counts out Cercle Brugge with the ball from a very sharp angle

Football Antwerp has won its first victory in the Champions’ Play-offs: it won 0–1 on the field of Cercle Brugge. Chidera Ejuke was the goal scorer. For Cercle it is also the first defeat in the play-offs. Antwerp certainly did not present itself in Bruges as a team overflowing with confidence and this mainly translated … Read more

At least 160 young people are without school in Antwerp – Jury assembled in criminal trial against Trump in New York

At least 160 young people are without school in Antwerp – Jury assembled in criminal trial against Trump in New York

News of the day This overview will help you quickly catch up on today’s most important events. 1. At least 160 young people are without school in Antwerp At least 160 young people have been at home for weeks or months because there is no longer room for them in secondary education after they had … Read more