Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

The health effects of lycopene increase when tomatoes are cooked. Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Modified 2023.12.22 16:12 Views 2 If you eat ramen with kimchi, you can exceed the recommended daily sodium intake with just one meal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Ramen is really delicious. Even though we know that fried noodles and salty … Read more

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Introduction of treatments for middle-aged chronic fatigue patients at the Korean Menopause Society Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Views 192 Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Modified 2023.12.13 17:07 Views 192 People who experience menopausal syndrome as they enter middle age feel chronic fatigue and their overall body function declines even though they do not have a specific disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There … Read more

How to Strengthen Your Immunity to Prevent COVID-19: Essential Nutritional Needs

How to Strengthen Your Immunity to Prevent COVID-19: Essential Nutritional Needs

Recently, rumors about COVID-19 have begun to be heard again. After being free from this virus, in fact we all need to maintain good health! After time pandemic COVID-1 ends, in fact towards the end of 2023 we are again faced with emerging COVID cases. Well, it’s not just body and environmental cleanliness that needs … Read more

Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Middle Age and Beyond: Carbohydrates, Processed Foods, Naps, and More

Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Middle Age and Beyond: Carbohydrates, Processed Foods, Naps, and More

Excessive intake of carbohydrates, processed foods, long naps, etc… Changing your habits is beneficial for a healthy lifespan. Entered 2023.11.11 15:56 Views 1,033 Entered 2023.11.11 15:56 Modified 2023.11.11 16:05 Views 1,033 As you age, it is best to abstain from foods high in trans fat and simple sugars, such as fried foods, processed foods, and … Read more

Top 10 Foods to Support Liver Health: Good vs Bad – What to Avoid for a Healthy Liver

Top 10 Foods to Support Liver Health: Good vs Bad – What to Avoid for a Healthy Liver

Avoid alcohol and sugar, and prefer foods rich in fiber and antioxidants. Entered 2023.11.11 10:05 Views 353 Entered 2023.11.11 10:05 Modified 2023.11.11 09:20 Views 353 Spinach, which has antioxidants, is considered a food good for liver health. [사진=클립아트코리아] The liver is the largest and most important organ among the human body. The liver performs a … Read more

Can Coffee Help Counteract Type 2 Diabetes? Evidence and Effects

Can Coffee Help Counteract Type 2 Diabetes? Evidence and Effects

Coffee is a natural ally that can help counteract the diabetes type 2. Thanks to its rich mixture of bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, it would be able to positively influence glucose metabolism and antioxidant processes. Evidence also recently confirmed by a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, on the occasion of World Diabetes Day … Read more

The Connection Between Tannin in Persimmons and Constipation: What You Need to Know

The Connection Between Tannin in Persimmons and Constipation: What You Need to Know

Tannin in persimmons gives a bitter and astringent taste and can cause constipation. Entered 2023.11.03 09:10 Views 43,773 Entered 2023.11.03 09:10 Modified 2023.11.02 15:47 Views 43,773 There are many people who are reluctant to eat red persimmon, which is essential in the fall season, as there is a common belief that eating too much of … Read more

Preventing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: Moisturizing and Nutritional Supplementation

Preventing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: Moisturizing and Nutritional Supplementation

Sagging skin, including wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds… Moisturizing and nutritional supplementation are important Entered 2023.10.29 08:57 Views 14 Entered 2023.10.29 08:57 Modified 2023.10.29 08:55 Views 14 As the dry weather continues, many people are concerned about wrinkles and elasticity. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]These days, wrinkles on the face deepen with fall. As the dry and … Read more

Discover the Hidden Superfoods: Boost Immunity and Prevent Diseases

Discover the Hidden Superfoods: Boost Immunity and Prevent Diseases

Rich in various nutrients, boosts immunity and prevents diseases such as cancer Entered 2023.10.21 10:05 Views 0 Entered 2023.10.21 10:05 Modified 2023.10.21 09:25 Views 0 Beets are rich in antioxidants and are a food that helps prevent cancer and chronic diseases. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Salmon, berries, broccoli, almonds, kale, beans, and oats are considered ‘superstars’ in the … Read more

Eat Your Way to Slow Aging: The Importance of Vegetables, Fruits, and Food Control

Eat Your Way to Slow Aging: The Importance of Vegetables, Fruits, and Food Control

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and avoid overeating… Limit your intake of ultra-processed foods and burnt meat. Entered 2023.10.20 15:10 Views 121 Entered 2023.10.20 15:10 Modified 2023.10.20 15:04 Views 121 Reducing the amount of carbohydrates during meals and eating a variety of vegetables and seaweeds high in dietary fiber are good for slowing down … Read more