Anies hinted the government sometimes “turns off” criticism

Anies hinted the government sometimes “turns off” criticism

Jakarta – Presidential candidate of the NasDem party Anies Baswedan, speaking of himself, which often receives criticism from many quarters. He then mentioned the current government, which sometimes shuts down criticism. The moment Anies discussed this criticism was broadcast in a podcast with Imam Priyono and Hendri Satrio broadcast on YouTube R66 Newlitics. Anies initially … Read more

NasDem’s counterattack on Bawaslu after Anies calls to steal campaign start

NasDem’s counterattack on Bawaslu after Anies calls to steal campaign start

Jakarta – Indonesian election monitoring body mention of safari activities Anies Baswedan which has been run at this time seems unethical because it can be seen as stealing the start of the campaign. NasDemthe party carrying Anies as presidential candidate (capres) then attacked Bawaslu. This case began with RI Bawaslu member Puadi commenting on Anies’ … Read more