Secretly, Ecky, a suspect in the mutilation case, bought Angela’s apartment in 2019

Secretly, Ecky, a suspect in the mutilation case, bought Angela’s apartment in 2019

Jakarta – The police revealed a number of facts related to the mutilation case Angela Hindriati (54). To suspect, M Ecky Listianto (54)secretly bought Angela’s apartment in June 2019. Angela is known to have an apartment in Kuningan, South Jakarta. Angela and Ecky are known to have met via a gardening forum in 2018 and … Read more

5 Facts about Ecky’s intention to save Angela’s mutilated body forever

5 Facts about Ecky’s intention to save Angela’s mutilated body forever

Jakarta – The police discovered a number of new related facts M Ecky Listianto (34)who had the courage to mutilate the body Angela Hindriati (54). More recently, Ecky intends to keep the mutilated body forever. Ecky is known to have kept Angela’s body for more than a year at his rented house in South Tambun, … Read more

Reasons why Ecky the “cold-blooded killer” mutilated Angela’s body

Reasons why Ecky the “cold-blooded killer” mutilated Angela’s body

Jakarta – M Ecky Listyanto (34) have the courage to kill and maim the body Angela Hindriati (54). Angela’s mutilated body was held for a year. So what prompted Ecky to have the courage to mutilate the victim’s body? It is known that Angela’s body was found in 2 plastic bins in Ecky’s rented house … Read more

The police reveal Ecky’s “cold” demeanor, maiming Angela during the exam

The police reveal Ecky’s “cold” demeanor, maiming Angela during the exam

Jakarta – Police are still investigating the information M Ecky Listianto (34)suspected mutilation Angela Hindriati (54). Police said the suspect, Ecky, was cool when questioned by police. Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Criminal Investigation Unit director Hengki Haryadi revealed this when asked about Ecky’s reaction when questioned by police. “(Ecky’s attitude) is calm and cool,” Hengki … Read more

Ecky, the mutilation suspect, has been dating Angela for 5 months

Ecky, the mutilation suspect, has been dating Angela for 5 months

Jakarta – M Ecky Listiantho (34), the suspect who mutilate Angela Hindriati (54) Bekasi Regency, West Java, has apparently been dating the victim for about 5 months. They came out in June-November 2021. “The relationship started from June 2021 until the victim died in November 2021. The relationship that occurred was a dating relationship,” Resmob … Read more

The families reveal that Angela and Ecky the Mutilators are in a loving relationship

The families reveal that Angela and Ecky the Mutilators are in a loving relationship

Jakarta – Reason M Ecky Listianto (34) kill and maim Angela Hindriati (54) still mysterious. However, the family revealed that Angela and Ecky were in a relationship. Angela’s brother Turyono (58) said his sister had been in a relationship with Ecky since 2018. Turyono also revealed that Angela had asked Ecky to marry her. “There … Read more

Neighbor ‘Slide’ rented a house after it was revealed Ecky had kept the mutilated body

Neighbor ‘Slide’ rented a house after it was revealed Ecky had kept the mutilated body

Bekasi – The police revealed that there was the body of a mutilated woman in number 6 for rent M Ecky Listiantho (34). Ecky’s rental is at the end of the 6 houses that are rented out. “There are only a few occupants. Of the 6 gates, 3 are full,” local RT chief Alfian said … Read more

RT’s testimony when police arrest Ecky, suspected of mutilation, in Bekasi

RT’s testimony when police arrest Ecky, suspected of mutilation, in Bekasi

Bekasi – The police arrested M Ecky Listiantho (34), a suspect in the murder of Angela Hindriati (54). Angela’s body was found in one condition mutilated in a rented house in South Tambun, Bekasi Regency, West Java. The head of the local RT, Alfian, recounted the moments when Ecky was arrested. At first, police were … Read more

Investigate the reasons why Ecky mutilated Angela, the police cooperate with forensic psychiatry

Investigate the reasons why Ecky mutilated Angela, the police cooperate with forensic psychiatry

Jakarta – Police are still investigating the motive M Ecky Listianto (34)suspected mutilation Angela Hindriati (54). Police teamed up with the Forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor) and forensic psychiatry to investigate Ecky’s motives for killing Angela. “The investigation team is also working with the Apsifor team and also with forensic psychiatry,” Polda Metro Jaya Director General, … Read more

On the corner of this rented house in Bekasi, Ecky keeps Angela’s mutilated body

On the corner of this rented house in Bekasi, Ecky keeps Angela’s mutilated body

Jakarta – Police identified the female victim mutilation leased to Bekasi Regency, West Java (West Java), named Angela Hindriati (54). Angela would be murdered M Ecky Listantho (34). monitoring detik com, Friday (6/1/2022), the rental house has a creamy brown look with a white floor. The size of the rental is approximately 3×5 meters. The … Read more