everyone saw the spectacle between the legs

everyone saw the spectacle between the legs

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova put an end to the disputes that continue to this day on the Internet. They were caused by video frames from the artist’s birthday, in which the star bared her loins in the arms of Nikita Dzhigurda – then everyone saw the spectacle between the legs. Subscribe to our Telegram channel “Star … Read more

Volochkova surprised subscribers with her glamorous swimsuit

Volochkova surprised subscribers with her glamorous swimsuit

Scandalous diva Anastasia Volochkova posted a new provocative beach video on the Web. In the footage, the dancer splashed around in the ocean in the Maldives in a pink swimsuit embroidered with two black stars. The diva bragged about her vacation and at one point brought the camera closer to her magnificent breasts. However, Anastasia’s … Read more

Volochkova in the same thong annealed in the Maldives – the island was amazed

Volochkova in the same thong annealed in the Maldives – the island was amazed

Ballet star Anastasia Volochkova in the first days of the New Year hurried to her favorite resort – the Maldives. It took the artist a long time to reach the island and as soon as she set foot on the sand, she immediately began to undress. As a result, she was left with only one … Read more