This Man Deliberately Cuts 2 Legs for Rp45.9 Billion Insurance

This Man Deliberately Cuts 2 Legs for Rp45.9 Billion Insurance

loading… BUDAPEST – A native man Hungary deliberately cut off both legs to claim an insurance payment of £2.4 million (over Rp45.9 billion). He deliberately lay on the rails so that his legs were run over by the train. However, his actions even ended with a suspended prison sentence and heavy fines. The court has … Read more

High Cholesterol, 5 Signs That Can Cause Amputation

High Cholesterol, 5 Signs That Can Cause Amputation

loading… JAKARTA – High cholesterol can be marked with symptom which can result in amputation . This condition is usually caused by cholesterol High LDL and high triglycerides are known as dyslipidemia. When excess blood fat travels along the arteries, it will eventually settle on both sides of the artery walls and harden. Then the … Read more

13-year-old suffers serious injuries while trying to mimic a TikTok video

13-year-old suffers serious injuries while trying to mimic a TikTok video>news> Don’t copy it! What a horror scenario! The 13-year-old American Destini Crane sees a video on TikTok and wants to do it. Now she is seriously injured with third-degree burns in the intensive care unit, and she can no longer move her right arm. Destini’s mother and sister now want to warn other families. … Read more

Doctors cut off a patient’s wrong leg during surgery

Doctors cut off a patient’s wrong leg during surgery

An adult patient’s amputated leg was amputated in an Austrian clinic. Instead of the left, the right has been removed. The incident was reported by the Austrian newspaper Heute, BGNES reported. The patient himself did not initially notice the error due to his health condition. Before the operation, his doctor marked his foot with an … Read more

Zhang Tingxuan cried out with truncated right calf-Life-Free Times Newsletter

Zhang Tingxuan cried out with truncated right calf-Life-Free Times Newsletter

Miss Zhou once had a calf amputation due to a car accident, but she was optimistic. (Photo by reporter Weng Yuhuang) – 2015/07/22 06:00 [Reporter Weng Yuhuang/Taipei Report]Yesterday afternoon, Tzu Chi Hospital in Taipei performed right calf amputation for Zhang Tingxuan, an 18-year-old victim of the Eight Immortal Dust Explosion. The limb was severely burned. … Read more

Thieves’ teenage fingers in Iran to be cut off, World Medical Association slams page all

Thieves’ teenage fingers in Iran to be cut off, World Medical Association slams page all

TEHERAN, – The World Medical Association (WMA) pledges to support every doctor Iran, who refused to take part in amputation inmate’s fingers as punishment. In a firm letter to the Iranian authorities, the WMA said that it had been informed about the sentence recently. A total of 4 teenage boys detained in Urumieh prison, … Read more