The bus strike was lifted within the AMBA: when will the service return to regular | The corporate deposited the salaries

The bus strike was lifted within the AMBA: when will the service return to regular |  The corporate deposited the salaries

The shock bus stoppage that affected passengers on seven bus traces, belonging to the ERSA firm (ERSA Urbano and MOSSA), that flow into via the Metropolis of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs, was lifted within the early hours of the morning. The drive measure was going to final for twenty-four hours, however mid-morning … Read more

Axel Kicillof announced that the registration for the vaccination of young people from 13 to 17 years of age opens | Those over 30 may be vaccinated without a shift from Tuesday

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced this Monday that registration opens so that they can be vaccinated against the coronavirus adolescents from 13 to 17 years old, a measure directed “especially to those with comorbidities”. “Today we have in the Argentine Republic two candidate vaccines for children under 18 years … Read more

They add 6 new essential activities except to fulfill the quarantine | Chronicle

The Government expanded this Monday from 24 to 30 the essential activities and services whose workers are exempt from complying with social, preventive and compulsory isolation which governs, in a new extension, from July 1 to 17, and included among them the banks and public works, which were suspended at the beginning of the quarantine, … Read more

They tried to move from Tigre to Mar del Plata in full quarantine but were rejected at a checkpoint

The family group, made up of a couple and their two children, arrived last night at the seaside resort in a private van, but was intercepted at the security and health checkpoint installed on the access on Route 2. The commune reported that at the time of requesting the documentation with which they circulated and … Read more

Starting Monday, the new driving license must be obtained and the train booked by app

All those who have residence in AMBA and they are authorized to leave their houses they will have time from this Monday 29 at 00:00 and until Tuesday 30 at 23:59, to renew their respective CUHC (Unique Enabling Circulation Certificate). The process can be done through the page, the Care app. It is important … Read more

Carrió: “We cannot live in a state of permanent exception” – News

The founder of the ARI Civic Coalition and former deputy Elisa Carrió asked this Sunday that the stage of strict isolation that will rule in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) from July 1 to 17 is “the last great effort that society is asked to make,” noting that it cannot ” live in a … Read more

Step-by-step tutorial to process the new Circulation Certificate

The people who will not have to process the permit again are those who work in the 24 activities contemplated in Decree 297/2020. The rest of the workers who will no longer be able to get on public transport, will have to re-process the permit to move, are those “excepted” that are part of the … Read more

Coronavirus in the AMBA: the occupation of intensive care beds increased

At the national level, the occupation reached 49.5% on Saturday, also with a rebound in relation to the previous day, when 48.9% was occupied, according to the record released by the national health portfolio according to information provided by the provinces. While, 507 patients with coronavirus remain in intensive care across the country, compared to … Read more

Essential workers must process a new permit

Essential workers of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) must process a new circulation permit, between tomorrow and Tuesday, to be able to move from July 1, within the framework of the new phase of stricter isolation that begins that day to stop the spread of coronavirus. As officially reported, workers who fulfill essential tasks … Read more