processed foods cause brain deterioration in a month

processed foods cause brain deterioration in a month

One of the most common diseases in the world is Alzheimer’s, since there are approximately 50 million people who suffer from the terrible disease. – The scientists assured that this generates the death of cells that affect other mental capacities. Specialists suggest having a balanced diet to avoid falling into dementia. – Doctors recommend consuming … Read more

The Right Number of Hours of Sleep Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

The Right Number of Hours of Sleep Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Lack of sleep and Alzheimer’s disease are linked. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Studies show the number of bedtime the right way can reduce the risk of disease alzheimer early. The number of hours of sleep is mentioned not too much, and not too little. “Sleep deprivation and Alzheimer’s disease are both associated with decreased cognitive thinking,” … Read more

Study: Personality traits related to the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease

Study: Personality traits related to the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease

Imagine de Gerd Altmann de la Pixabay – Two personality traits are linked to the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study shows. – Brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease are often visible early in people with personality traits associated with the condition, according to research by Florida State University College of Medicine. Two features … Read more

Amazing! These 9 Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health that You Should Know

Amazing!  These 9 Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health that You Should Know – Turmeric So far, it is known to have various benefits. Besides being herbs mainstay in variety home cooking, turmeric benefits It is also related to physical health. As a relative ginger, a yellow-orange spice common in Indian, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines has been used medicinally for centuries to treat complaints such … Read more

This Tiny Spot in Your Brain May Show Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s 30 Years Earlier

This Tiny Spot in Your Brain May Show Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s 30 Years Earlier

The ‘locs coeruleus’ or ‘blue core’ ‘It concerns the ‘locus coeruleus’ or ‘blue core’, hidden deep in the brain stem (see blue arrow in photo), and can only be visualized with advanced MRI equipment. Heidi Jacobs (Maastricht University/Harvard Medical School) showed with the help of such MRI scans that the so-called tau protein starts to … Read more

UM: small area in the brain can detect Alzheimer’s early | 1Limburg

UM: small area in the brain can detect Alzheimer’s early |  1Limburg

A very small area in the brain can help to detect Alzheimer’s disease at a very early stage, researchers from Maastricht University have discovered. – This minuscule so-called blue core is hidden deep in the brain stem and can only be visualized with advanced MRI equipment. According to researcher Heidi Jacobs, a certain harmful protein … Read more

What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?

What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Do you know what the difference between dementia with Alzheimer’s? Sometimes people think of dementia or dementia with alzheimer’s are the same. In essence, both show symptoms of forgetfulness and the sufferer is elderly. This assumption is both right and wrong. Alzheimer’s is one of many types of dementia. The dementia consists … Read more

Not only the elderly, young people can get Alzheimer’s

Not only the elderly, young people can get Alzheimer’s

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Alzheimer is a progressive brain disorder that causes memory loss, thinking skills, and behavioral changes, and not only affects the elderly. Early Alzheimer’s can be associated with risk factors such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unhealthy diet. Alzheimer’s Research UK dementia charity, launches Express, says early … Read more

Nina Gunke has Alzheimer’s

Nina Gunke has Alzheimer’s

Swedish TV, theater and film actress Nina Gunke has contracted Alzheimer’s. The 66-year-old himself told that TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon Sunday. Gunke first began to notice that she forgot things about a year ago – Everyone does, we say, but it happened more and more often. The actress tells how she eventually could not remember lines anymore, … Read more

Mama “Can’t Recognize Me”

Mama “Can’t Recognize Me”

WASHINGTON, DC (VOA) — Indonesian diaspora, Debora Nainggolan in San Jose, California still remembers when her mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s began not recognizing her in 2015. “(Life) is a mess. The relationship between brother and sister is breaking up. I was sad like that, Mama Alzheimer’s heart was broken and she couldn’t recognize me.” … Read more