Shots in Munich: Police suspect terrorist attack on Israel’s consulate general – Munich

Shots in Munich: Police suspect terrorist attack on Israel’s consulate general – Munich

City of Munich debates pro-Palestine camp in front of university The closure of a protest camp of pro-Palestinian activists, demanded by the Bavarian anti-Semitism commissioner Ludwig Spaenle (CSU), is apparently being discussed within the city administration. “Current events, such as those tragically occurring today, are being taken into account in ongoing risk forecasts for gatherings,” … Read more

Accident in Munich’s English Garden: Falling branch much larger than expected – Munich

Accident in Munich’s English Garden: Falling branch much larger than expected – Munich

The branch that apparently broke off suddenly on Sunday afternoon in the English Garden and seriously injured a woman is huge: it is about 18 meters long, the police said on Monday, and has a diameter of 85 centimeters at its thickest point. “You could actually say that it is a tree that has fallen … Read more

23-year-old injured in an argument in Dresden

23-year-old injured in an argument in Dresden

Dresden (dpa/sn) – It is said that three men beat a 23-year-old man in Dresden. The man and others had an information center for the Federation of German Trade Unions in the An old town taken care of, police said. Thursday afternoon there was an argument with a group of four. Initially the police did … Read more