this is the time you have to train every day

this is the time you have to train every day

Updated: 05/09/2020 08:25 – When we try to lead a healthy life, it is key to lean on two great pillars. The first is feeding, changing our habits and leaving aside the consumption of unhealthy products is only the first step. Buying more fresh food and going into the kitchen to enjoy the whole process … Read more

The Generalitat points out that Barcelona may be out of phase 1 next Monday

The Generalitat points out that Barcelona may be out of phase 1 next Monday

05/05/2020 14:55 – Updated: 05/05/2020 15:18 – The ‘counselor’ of Health of the Generalitat, Alba Vergès, has announced that Barcelona and its metropolitan area may be left out of phase 1 of the lack of confidence in the coronavirus epidemic, as explained this Tuesday after the Consell Executiu press conference. This delay of the most … Read more

ANALYSIS FLASH: Baader Bank raises target for Alstria Office to EUR 18.30 – ‘Add’ | 13/1/20

ANALYSIS FLASH: Baader Bank raises target for Alstria Office to EUR 18.30 – ‘Add’ | 13/1/20

You are now leaving the website and will be redirected to the Onvista Bank website. Please note that the course dates given on may differ from those on the Onvista Bank website. Therefore, check all the data carefully before you make the purchase or sale on the Onvista Bank website. Contents of external … Read more

ANALYSIS FLASH: JPMorgan lowers target for Siemens to 130 (133) euros – ‘Overweight’ | 7:01:20

ANALYSIS FLASH: JPMorgan lowers target for Siemens to 130 (133) euros – ‘Overweight’ | 7:01:20

You are now leaving the website and will be redirected to the Onvista Bank website. Please note that the course dates given on may differ from those on the Onvista Bank website. Therefore, check all the data carefully before you make the purchase or sale on the Onvista Bank website. Contents of external … Read more

ANALYSIS FLASH: Berenberg lowers target for Metro AG to 14.20 euros – ‘Hold’ | 01/06/20

ANALYSIS FLASH: Baader Bank raises target for Alstria Office to EUR 18.30 – ‘Add’ | 13/1/20

You are now leaving the website and will be redirected to the Onvista Bank website. Please note that the course dates given on may differ from those on the Onvista Bank website. Therefore, check all the data carefully before you make the purchase or sale on the Onvista Bank website. Contents of external … Read more