Aid package of EUR 650 million for ailing farms NOW

There will be a support package of 650 million euros for agricultural and horticultural companies that see their turnover evaporate due to the corona crisis, minister Carola Schouten (Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality) reports in a letter to parliament on Wednesday evening. At the same time, financial support should pay for the continued payment of … Read more

All of Europe no longer wants french fries

All of Europe no longer wants french fries

There is almost no French fries business, the German Farmers’ Association has just announced. “The de facto cessation of consumption outside the home practically brings sales across Europe to a standstill,” the association announced. Several French fries processors have already stopped producing or are preparing to decommission. With the exception of Sweden, restaurants and fast … Read more

Corona Germany: Brand letter to Chancellor Merkel, farmers desperate

Corona Germany: Brand letter to Chancellor Merkel, farmers desperate

I.As a result of the Corona crisis, according to farmers’ president Joachim Rukwied, there will probably be a shortage of fruit and vegetables. The background is the lack of seasonal workers from Eastern Europe in the wake of the corona pandemic, he told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Wednesday). Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) … Read more

“The coronavirus crisis is an ecological crisis”

“The coronavirus crisis is an ecological crisis”

Every day, find the Green thread, the environment meeting of Release. Serge Morand is a health ecologist, research director at CNRS and CIRAD and teaches at the Faculty of Tropical Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand. For him, it is urgent to preserve genetic diversity in nature and agriculture to avoid the multiplication of pandemics. Several species … Read more