POINT OF VIEW. Agriculture: Europe has an important meeting

POINT OF VIEW. Agriculture: Europe has an important meeting

In a speech, Emmanuel Macron set himself the goal of rebuilding agricultural and food independence. These comments echo a previous statement in which he described agriculture as a strategic activity that should be placed outside the laws of the market. What a break with a very recent past (ratification of CETA in July 2019)! The … Read more

Bear shot in the Pyrenees: “This drama was written”

Bear shot in the Pyrenees: “This drama was written”

An ultimate provocation? An act of revenge? A gesture of despair? The discovery on Tuesday of a bear killed by bullets near the Guzet-Neige station, in Ariège, caused dismay, dismay, but not a total surprise in a region where farmers face attacks by herds and have several once threatened to use the strong way. This … Read more

Agriculture. Alert given on the concentration of farms

“Livestock farms cannot find a buyer. Young people are turning away from these channels. “ Emmanuel Hyest, the president of the Land Development and Rural Establishment Company (Safer) sounded the alarm on May 28 during the panorama of “rural land markets in 2019”. According to him, “Thebreeding is in danger. “ The causes are known: … Read more

Possible corona on mink farm Venray | 1Limburg

Possible corona on mink farm Venray | 1Limburg

On a mink farm in Venray, animals may have been infected with Covid-19. – That reports the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on Monday. Further investigationFurther research is being conducted to see whether the animals have actually been infected. According to Antoin Scholten, chairman of the Limburg-Noord security region, this is a company … Read more

Pesticides, food, biodiversity: what the European Commission offers

Pesticides, food, biodiversity: what the European Commission offers

Several weeks late, the European Commission presented the last two main pillars of its strategy “Sustainable growth”, the Green Deal. It’s rare enough to be highlighted, these new strategy announcements “From farm to fork”, and on protecting biodiversity, surprised by their ambition, including on the side of civil society. “The restoration of Nature will be … Read more

Agriculture. Slaughterhouses Slow Down, America Mass Euthanasia

Agriculture. Slaughterhouses Slow Down, America Mass Euthanasia

Over ten million chicks have been euthanized in the past two months United States. As many pigs should experience the same fate. Due to Covid-19 employee cases, Uncle Sam’s slaughterhouses have been idling for two months. A study by Purdue University in Indiana estimates that slaughtering and processing the hog industry works at 40% of … Read more

Agriculture. Will borders finally open for seasonal workers?

Agriculture. Will borders finally open for seasonal workers?

Fruits, vegetables: the harvest season is in full swing in the south of France. The farmers welcomed the announcement last week by Interior Minister Christophe Castaner of “Additional exemptions” to cross the border with a European country, especially a compelling economic motive for seasonal agricultural workers. It is slow to materialize, however. Monday, 200 Spanish … Read more

Agricultural organization LTO leaves the Agricultural Collective NOW

Agricultural organization LTO leaves the Agricultural Collective NOW

The Dutch Agricultural and Horticultural Organization (LTO) has left the Agriculture Collective alliance, the organization said in a letter to its members. The thirteen organizations that belong to the Agricultural Collective are too different from each other, according to LTO. “It is not going to work to squeeze that diversity into one straightjacket,” they write … Read more

Behind the scenes of Brussels – Containment: the debate prohibited

Behind the scenes of Brussels – Containment: the debate prohibited

It only took a few moments, on March 16, for the Head of State and his government, in the name of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, to place the French under house arrest and deprive them of most of their freedoms civil, political and social that we thought inalienable: freedom to come and go, … Read more

Aid package of EUR 650 million for ailing farms NOW

There will be a support package of 650 million euros for agricultural and horticultural companies that see their turnover evaporate due to the corona crisis, minister Carola Schouten (Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality) reports in a letter to parliament on Wednesday evening. At the same time, financial support should pay for the continued payment of … Read more