Noises and beatings, amusement park “besieged” by 150 kids

Noises and beatings, amusement park “besieged” by 150 kids

They are not a gang, but certainly by moving en masse they have caused inconvenience and hindrances. For this reason, the carabinieri, the local police and also the volunteers of the Romano Carabinieri Association were busy on Saturday evening (January 28), around 11 pm, to dissolve and remove a large group of minors, perpetrators of … Read more

How Social Media Abuse Affects Teenage Brains

How Social Media Abuse Affects Teenage Brains

S social media have an undeniable impact on the life of children and adolescents because every time they start using them at a younger age, since they have a cell phone or borrow theirs from their parents, and they spend a lot of time uploading content and consulting what other people are doing, or interacting … Read more